Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (11): 88-94.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20230660

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Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Storm Surges along the Coast of China Based on Historical Data from 1950 to 2003

CHU Dong-dong1,2(), QIN Yue3, LI Meng-yu1,2, WANG Min1,2, ZENG Xin1,2, YUAN Yuan1,2, CHE Zhu-mei4, ZHANG Ji-cai5()   

  1. 1 River Research Department, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
    2 Key Laboratory of Ministry of Water Resources on River & Lake Regulation and Flood Control in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
    3 Institute of Physical Oceanography and Remote Sensing, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316000, China
    4 Marine Monitoring and Forecasting Center of Department of Natural Resources of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310000, China
    5 State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241,China
  • Received:2023-06-21 Revised:2023-09-12 Published:2024-11-01 Online:2024-11-01


Storm surge is one of the most serious natural disasters along the coast of China. The temporal and spatial distribution of storm surge in China’s coastal areas was obtained by analyzing the storm surge data of 67 stations from 1950 to 2003. It is found that the southeast coast of China is the region with the most serious storm surge disasters in terms of frequency and intensity, and the intensity of storm surges is concentrated in Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and Ⅳ levels. The storm surge in the Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay are relatively large. Moreover, the path of the wind field and the astronomical tide have a significant impact on the storm surge. Taking Dinghai station as an example, the path of the tropical cyclone turning to the west of 125°E has the most significant impact on the storm surge and most of the occurrence time of peak surge is around spring tide and before and after the astronomical low tide. The results can provide a reference for storm surge risk assessment and disaster prevention and mitigation.

Key words: storm, water level surge, coast of China, temporal and spatial distribution

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