Main column

  • Special Contribution
  • Comprehensive Management of River Basin
  • River-Lake Protection and Regulation
  • Water Resources
  • Water Environment and Water Ecology
  • Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration
  • Water-related Disasters
  • Agricultural Water Conservancy
  • Hydraulics
  • Rock-Soil Engineering
  • Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention
  • Hydraulic Structure and Material
  • Informatization of Water Conservancy
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        The Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute is a monthly publication that is released on the 1st of each month to both domestic and international readers. The journal is priced at 20.00 yuan per issue, and the annual subscription price is 240.00 yuan. The domestic unified issue number is CN42-1171/TV, and the domestic postal subscription code is 38-147, which can be subscribed to at any post office in China. The international standard serial number is ISSN 1001-5485, and the international subscription is managed by China International Book Trading Corporation (Box 399, Beijing), with the international subscription code being MO799

        Readers can subscribe to the Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute at nearby post offices or by directly contacting the editorial office of the journal.

  • 2021-05-26 Visited: 9050