Main column

  • Special Contribution
  • Comprehensive Management of River Basin
  • River-Lake Protection and Regulation
  • Water Resources
  • Water Environment and Water Ecology
  • Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration
  • Water-related Disasters
  • Agricultural Water Conservancy
  • Hydraulics
  • Rock-Soil Engineering
  • Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention
  • Hydraulic Structure and Material
  • Informatization of Water Conservancy
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Publication Fee Explanation

  • Publication Fee Explanation

       The publication fees for the Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute include manuscript fees, reviewing fees, typesetting fees, editing fees, printing fees, distribution fees, and basic office expenses, all provided by the Journal’s sponsor Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute.

       The Journal charges publication fees to authors except for those of the special contribution column and authors who does not belong to CRSRI. The fee structure is as follows: a publishing fee (1500 yuan for up to 5 pages and 400 yuan/page for additional pages beyond 5 pages) before they are formally published. Special issues or columns shall be charged at a rate of 400 yuan/page. After the publication of the article, the editorial office will provide remuneration to the author (50 yuan per page). The Journal does not have an independent financial settlement system, and all collected fees are deposited into the sponsor’s unified account.


       Overall, the Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute adheres to a transparent policy regarding publication fees.

  • 2023-12-13 Visited: 2772