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  • Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration
  • Water-related Disasters
  • Agricultural Water Conservancy
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  • Hydraulic Structure and Material
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Open Access Statement

  • Open Access Statement

    The Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute provides open access to its digital resources for long-term preservation and knowledge sharing on a global scale. Once an article is published, it will be stored in PDF format on the journal’s official website for immediate and permanent access, free of charge for readers to read and download. Currently, all articles published since the Journal’s inception are available for free online access on the journal’s official website. The submitted version, revised version, and peer review records are permanently deposited in the Journal's official manuscript submission system.

    The Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute recognizes the value of open access in promoting scientific communication, knowledge sharing, and advancement. By providing free access to its published articles, the Journal supports the global research community, making its research available to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

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    1.  The Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute allows users to share the articles published in the journal in accordance with the CC-BY-ND 4.0 license. This means that third parties are permitted to copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full text of the literature, and use and disseminate the articles for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. 

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         All authors of articles accepted after review by the Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute must sign a “Copyright Transfer Agreement” (see download center) with the journal. 

    1. The authors declare that the paper is an original work, and that none or part of its content has been previously published in any other publication in any form. There are no issues of duplicate submission, plagiarism, or any infringement of confidentiality or violation of laws and regulations, nor does it contain any content that infringes upon the rights of others. In the event that any of the above issues are discovered, the editorial department has the right to reject the manuscript and has the authority to publicly criticize the paper and its authors among sister journals. The editorial department also reserves the right to notify relevant institutions for administrative penalties against the main author. 

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    4. The rights transferred in Article 2 of this agreement shall not be used by the authors themselves or licensed to others in any form. However, the authors themselves may quote or translate part of the content of the paper in their subsequent works or compile it in non-journal collections. 

    5. The Journal is an open-access journal that allows users to copy and distribute articles for commercial or non-commercial purposes under the CC-BY-ND 4.0 license: i) when third parties use the work, they must properly attribute the original author and the initial publication journal, include a specific DOI link to the formal publication, and provide a link to the license, but in no way imply that the licensor endorses the third party’s use of the work; ii) third parties are prohibited from distributing any derivative works of the original work, including modifying, splicing, changing the publishing format, or creating other derivative works based on the original work. 

    6. The authors may continue to use the paper under the following circumstances: 1) applying for patents; 2) academic presentations and lectures; 3) non-commercial academic exchanges; 4) other activities permitted and authorized by the editorial department. 

    This agreement shall take effect from the date of signature by all authors. After signing, the authors shall scan and upload the electronic version of this agreement to the Journal’s editing and compilation system, which shall be deemed as having the same legal effect as the original document.


  • 2023-05-16 Visited: 3510