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DU Xing-wu, KONG Ci, XIAO Ming, ZHAN Shuang-qiao, CHEN Yun-cai, ZHAO Bin-xin, XING Tian, YANG Bo-zhen.
Simulation Analysis Method for Evolution Process of Water and Mud Inrush in Underground Tunnels
[J]. Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 2024, 41(10): 157-164.
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LIANG Rui, BAO Juan, ZHOU Wen-hai.
Study of Particle Peak Velocity of Critical Damage Based on Slope Stability
[J]. Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 2021, 38(5): 82-87.
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YANG Meng, WANG Jian-lei, SONG Ying-jun, WANG Tao.
Numerical Simulation of Deformation Behavior of Retaining Wall Constructed with Geobags by Finite Element Method
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MA Yu-yan, HOU Pan, ZHANG Zhi-jun, LIU Jian.
Study of Vibration Characteristics of Hydropower House with Different Simulation Methods of Bent
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YANG Xin-guang, XU Tang-jin, XU Han, CHEN Yun.
Patterns of the Joint Between Composite Geomembrane and Impervious Wall of High Earth-rockfill Cofferdam
[J]. Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 2017, 34(2): 104-109.
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ZHANG Kun-yong, DU Wei, LI Guang-shan, ZHONG Si-cheng, LIU Zi-jian.
Normalized Failure Criterion for Soil Slope Stability
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YAN Cheng-zeng, ZHENG Hong.
Simulation of Multi-hole Hydraulic Fracturing Using FDEM-flow Method
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ZHAO Jian-ping, SONG Xiao-dong, LIN Xiang.
Spectrum Analysis on Blasting Vibration Response of Tunnel Structure near Ground Surface under Open-pit Mine Blasting
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ZHOU Yong-qiang, SHENG Qian, FU Xiao-dong, LIU Xiao-min.
Discussion on the Application of Object-Oriented FEM to Underground Caverns
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KONG Ke, WANG Xiao-bo, XU Yuan-jie,PAN Jia-jun.
Influence of Joints on Stress and Displacement of Sash-shaped Diaphragm Wall by FEM Analysis
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BAI Jun-lei, WANG Le-hua, TANG Kai-yu, HAN Jing.
Influence of Excavation Unloading Rate on the Stressand Strain of Rock Slope
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DING Lin, YAO Wei-ming, LI Tong-chun, ZHAO Kai-wei.
Finite Element Analysis on Extruded Sidewallof Concrete Face Rock Fill Dam
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LV Peng, TANG Jin-song, LIU Jie, GUO Qiang.
Testing and FEM Analysis on Earth Pressure in Geogrid-reinforced Retaining Wall
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JIE Yu-xin, LI Guang-xin.
Necessity and Feasibility of FEM in the Design of Reinforced Soil Structure
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BAO Cheng-gang, DING Jin-hua, WANG Ming-yuan.
Review on Limited Balance Theory Applied in the Design of Reinforced Soil Structures
[J]. Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 2014, 31(3): 1-10.