长江科学院院报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 52-58.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20221074

• 水环境与水生态 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘苏港, 黄羽, 倪庆国, 黄磊   

  1. 湖北工业大学 土木建筑与环境学院,武汉 430068
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-17 修回日期:2022-10-19 出版日期:2023-12-01 发布日期:2023-12-01
  • 作者简介:刘苏港(1997-),男,湖北鄂州人,硕士研究生,主要从事环境规划与管理研究方向工作。E-mail:201910688@hbut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation Index System for the Effectiveness of Rural Black and Odorous Water Remediation

LIU Su-gang, HUANG Yu, NI Qing-guo, HUANG Lei   

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
  • Received:2022-08-17 Revised:2022-10-19 Published:2023-12-01 Online:2023-12-01

摘要: 针对目前我国农村黑臭水体治理过程中缺乏统一可推广治理效果评估体系的问题,构建了以层次分析法和结构熵权法相结合的农村黑臭水体治理效果评估指标体系,确定了水质检测、控源截污、内源治理、生态修复及项目管理5个评估主题,并通过构建指标库的方式以灵活应对不同类型黑臭水体特征造成的差异性。将其应用于湖北省已完成整治且能代表生活污染、畜禽污染、种植业污染和生产企业污染4种农村主要污染类型的农村黑臭水体各2个进行评估,评价结果较直观地反映了各水体整治项目工程治理情况。结果表明:2个水体评价等级为治理效果显著、6个为治理有效,说明目前湖北省农村黑臭水体试点治理取得较大成效。该评价体系对于不同类型的农村黑臭水体整治效果评估具有一定可行性。

关键词: 农村黑臭水体, 整治效果, 评估体系, 层次分析法, 结构熵权法

Abstract: Addressing the current lack of a unified and scalable system for assessing the effectiveness of rural black and odorous water treatments in China, we developed an evaluation framework using hierarchical analysis and structural entropy weight method. This framework incorporates five key evaluation themes: water quality assessment, source control, endogenous treatment, ecological restoration, and project management. Embedded in this approach is an adaptable index library, designed to accommodate the variability stemming from the diverse nature of black and odorous water bodies. This evaluation framework is empirically applied to eight distinct rural black and odorous water bodies in Hubei Province, representing four major classes of rural pollution: residential pollution, livestock and poultry pollution, plantation pollution, and industrial pollution. These sites have all undergone remediation processes. Results exhibit significantly effective treatment for two water bodies and effective treatment for a further six. These findings provide a testament to the practicality of the proposed evaluation system for assessing the effectiveness of remediation strategies across a range of rural black and odorous water bodies.

Key words: rural black and odorous water, remediation effect, evaluation index system, hierarchical analysis method, structure entropy weight method
