Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 99-105.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20210567

• ROCK SOIL ENGINEERING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mechanism of Using Electroosmosis and Different Chemical Solutions to Reinforce Mucky Clay

ZHAO Hong-xing   

  1. Beijing Metro Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. of China Railway Construction 16th Bureau Group, Beijing 101149, China
  • Received:2021-06-11 Revised:2021-09-01 Published:2022-05-01 Online:2022-05-01

Abstract: A one-dimensional laboratory test program is performed to investigate the strengthening effect of electroosmosis incorporated anolyte on mucky clay. By comparing the differences in electroosmotic current, drainage, shear strength and microstructure of soil, the mechanism of various anolyte accelerating the electroosmotic dewatering is further revealed. The testing results show that the injection of chemical solution facilitates the electrochemical drainage. Cations with lower atomic weight and valence have more significant effect: Na+>Ca2+>Al3+. The Ca2+ and Al3+ cations migrated to cathodic region react with hydroxyl ion to produce cementing agent, which enhances the cohesion between soil particles and improves soil's shear strength. Ca2+ has the strongest improvement effect by enhancing the shear strength of the cathodic soil by as much as 350%. Moreover, the injection of chemical solutions will also accelerate electrode corrosion and induce larger variation of pH value.

Key words: mucky clay, electroosmosis, chemical solutions, shear strength, microstructure

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