Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2016, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (10): 98-101.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20150995

• ROCK-SOIL ENGINEERING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis and Discussion on Vertical Bearing Capacity of Single Pile in Broken Rock Foundation

CHEN Jun1,WANG Peng-cheng1,2,JI Yong-xin2,ZHANG Bin-bin2   

  1. 1.College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;
    2.Guizhou CSCEC Architectural Scientific and Research Design Co. Ltd., Guiyang 550006, China
  • Received:2015-11-23 Published:2016-10-20 Online:2016-10-20

Abstract: Pile socketed in broken rock is often regarded as end bearing pile with no regard to the side frictional resistance,so that the bearing capacity of pile foundation is not fully utilized. In this research, the vertical bearing capacity of socketed pile in broken rock is analyzed, and the load-bearing performance of pile foundation in broken rock is discussed based on vertical static load test on single pile. The socketed pile of broken foundation rock of a project in Guizhou province is taken as an engineering background. Results show that the side friction of pile segment socketed in rock plays a good role in load-bearing, and the value of side friction varies with different pile components in the same lithology. According to the test results and parameter calculation, the measured vertical bearing capacity of pile foundation is 4.2-5.5 times as high as the calculated value. As we conclude that the side friction of socketed pile in broken rock is remarkable, if it is designed as end-bearing pile, the engineering cost will increase.

Key words: fractured rock mass, socket pile, static load test, vertical bearing capacity of single pile, side friction of pile

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