长江科学院院报 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 179-186.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20221732

• 工程安全与灾害防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


覃事河1, 段斌1, 王海胜1, 李美萍1, 魏昌利2   

  1. 1.国能大渡河金川水电建设有限公司,四川 阿坝 624100;
    2.四川省地质调查院,成都 610081
  • 收稿日期:2022-12-29 修回日期:2023-04-18 出版日期:2024-05-01 发布日期:2024-05-01
  • 作者简介:覃事河(1984-),男,湖北五峰人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事水电工程建设和安全管理研究工作。E-mail:shihemaster@126.com

Characteristics and Distribution of Geological Hazards in Jinchuan Section of Dadu River

QIN Shi-he1, DUAN Bin1, WANG Hai-sheng1, LI Mei-ping1, WEI Chang-li2   

  1. 1. China Energy Dadu River Jinchuan Hydropower Project Construction Co., Ltd., Aba 624100,China;
    2. Sichuan Institute of Geological Survey, Chengdu 610081,China
  • Received:2022-12-29 Revised:2023-04-18 Published:2024-05-01 Online:2024-05-01

摘要: 为掌握大渡河上游金川水电站工程及其所属区域的地质灾害特征及其分布规律,以该电站近坝区及库区近40 km的干流及其支流为研究对象,采用1∶10 000高精度遥感影像解译、无人机航空摄影、工程地质测绘和工程地质剖面测量等多种研究手段,复核了地质灾害类型和数量,研究了地质灾害与地形地貌、地质构造、工程地质岩组、斜坡结构、水文地质条件等孕灾因子的关系。结果表明:研究区内共发育地质灾害38处,地质灾害类型主要为泥石流、崩塌、坍岸、不稳定斜坡及滑坡等,其中泥石流和崩塌最为发育,分别占比28.95%和23.68%;崩塌、滑坡、不稳定斜坡、堆积体、塌岸多发育于<2 600 m高程的大渡河河谷地带;滑坡、不稳定斜坡分布的地形坡度多介于25°~45°之间,崩塌发育坡度一般>50°,堆积体和塌岸发育坡度一般在20°~35°;地质灾害集中在起伏度200~500 m的地区;平面曲率为直线坡最为发育的地质灾害占总数的48.1%,剖面曲率为直线坡最为发育的地质灾害占总数的59.3%;研究区共分8个岩组;地质灾害多发育在距河流100 m范围内。研究成果可为区域性的地质灾害防治工作提供更为科学精确的依据。

关键词: 金川河段, 地质灾害, 特征, 分布规律, 孕灾因子

Abstract: To comprehensively understand the characteristics and distribution of geological hazards at the Jinchuan Hydropower Station located upstream of the Dadu River and its surrounding regions, we focused our research on a 40-kilometer section encompassing the dam and reservoir area, main stream, and tributaries. Employing 1∶10 000 high-precision remote sensing image interpretation, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photography, engineering geological surveys, and profile measurements, we classified and quantified geological disasters, and further examined the correlations between geological hazards and various disaster-inducing factors including topography, geological structure, engineering geological rock formations, slope structure, and hydrogeological conditions. Our findings identified 38 geological hazards. The predominant hazard types were debris flows, collapses, riverbank failures, unstable slopes, and landslides. Debris flows and collapses were the most frequent, constituting 28.9% and 23.7% of the occurrences, respectively. Specifically, collapses, landslides, unstable slopes, deposit bodies, and riverside collapses predominantly occurred in the Dadu River valley at elevations below 2 600 meters. Landslides and unstable slopes typically located at slope gradients between 25° and 45°, collapse-prone areas generally had slopes greater than 50°, and deposit bodies and riverside collapses developed on slopes ranging from 20° to 35°. The majority of geological hazards were found in areas with relief fluctuations between 200 m and 500 m. Significantly, 48.1% of the hazards occurred on slopes with planar curvature, while 59.3% were associated with slopes having profile curvature. Eight rock groups were identified within the study area, with most geological disasters occurring within 100 meters from the river. These results provide a more scientific and accurate foundation for regional geological disaster prevention and mitigation strategies.

Key words: Jinchuan section, geological hazard, characteristics, distribution, disaster-inducing factors
