长江科学院院报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 170-169.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20220341

• 长江源科学考察与研究专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙宝洋1,2,3, 任斐鹏1,2,3, 邵逸文1,2,3, 刘纪根1,2,3, 李昊1,2,3, 师哲1,2,3   

  1. 1.长江科学院 水土保持研究所,武汉 430010;
    2.水利部长江江源区水生态系统野外科学观测研究站,青海 玉树815300;
    3.水利部山洪地质灾害防治工程技术研究中心,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-01 修回日期:2022-06-05 发布日期:
  • 作者简介:孙宝洋(1990-),男,山东枣庄人,高级工程师,博士,主要从事土壤侵蚀研究。E-mail:sunbx@mail.crsri.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Alpine Grassland Degradation on Soil Detachment in Typical Regions of the Headwaters of Changjiang River

SUN Bao-yang1,2,3, REN Fei-peng1,2,3, SHAO Yi-wen1,2,3, LIU Ji-gen1,2,3, LI Hao1,2,3, SHI Zhe1,2,3   

  1. 1. Soil and Water Conservation Department, Changjiang Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
    2. Field Scientific Observation and Research Station of Water Ecosystem in Changjiang River Source Regions,Ministry of Water Resources, Yushu 815300, China;
    3. Research Center on Mountain Torrent & Geologic Disaster Prevention of the Ministry of Water Resources, Wuhan 430010, China
  • Received:2022-04-01 Revised:2022-06-05 Online:

摘要: 长江源高寒草地存在不同程度的退化,导致局部水土流失仍呈增加的趋势。为研究高寒草地退化对土壤分离速率的影响,开展不同植被退化程度坡面径流冲刷试验。结果表明,植被完全退化坡面的高山草甸土平均分离速率(0.54 g/(cm2·min))显著大于重度和中度退化坡面(0.34和0.12 g/(cm2·min)),并远大于轻度退化的坡面(0.03 g/(cm2·min));完全退化坡面的淡寒钙土平均分离速率(4.29 g/(cm2·min))分别是寒钙土、草甸沼泽土和高山草甸土的3.25、7.27和7.94倍。不同退化程度的土壤分离速率随水流剪切力、径流功率与过水断面单位能量的增加,均呈较好的线性或幂函数关系,但与水流功率的拟合效果最好。在相同水流功率条件下,长江源土壤分离速率大于西南及黄土高原地区。本研究可为长江源区土壤侵蚀机理的研究和水土保持措施优化配置提供参考。

关键词: 长江源, 高寒草地, 土壤侵蚀, 植被退化, 土壤分离速率

Abstract: The alpine grassland in the source of the Changjiang River has degraded to different degrees, resulting in an increasing trend of local soil erosion. To study the effect of alpine grassland degradation on soil detachment rate, we conducted runoff scour experiments on slopes with different vegetation degradation degrees. Results show that the average detachment rate of alpine meadow soil on fully degraded slopes is 0.54 g/(cm2·min), significantly higher than those on severely (0.34 g/(cm2·min)) and moderately degraded slopes (0.12 g/(cm2·min)), and much more higher than that on lightly degraded slopes (0.03 g/(cm2·min)). The average detachment rate of lightly frigid calcic soils on fully degraded slopes is 4.29 g/(cm2·min), 3.25, 7.27 and 7.94 times that of frigid calcic soil, meadow swamp soil and alpine meadow soil, respectively. Soil detachment rates on slopes of different degradation degrees have a good linear or power function relationship with the increase of shear force of water flow, runoff power and unit energy of water cross section, but have the best fitting effect with water flow power. Under the same flow power condition, soil detachment rate in the source region of the Changjiang River is higher than those in the southwest and the loess plateau. The findings can provide reference for studying soil erosion mechanism and optimal allocation of soil and water conservation measures in the source region of the Changjiang River.

Key words: headwaters of the Changjiang River, alpine grassland, soil erosion, vegetation degradation, soil detachment rate
