长江科学院院报 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 17-22.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20210380

• 水资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


邵骏, 杜涛, 郭卫, 欧阳硕, 王琨   

  1. 长江水利委员会水文局,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-21 修回日期:2021-08-09 出版日期:2022-08-01 发布日期:2022-08-01
  • 作者简介:邵 骏(1982-),男,湖北宜昌人,正高级工程师,博士,主要从事水文分析与水资源评价方面的研究。E-mail:sj0813@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Water Temperature Variation and Its Influencing Factors in the Upper Jinsha River

SHAO Jun, DU Tao, GUO Wei, OUYANG Shuo, WANG Kun   

  1. Bureau of Hydrology,Changjiang Water Resources Commission,Wuhan 430010,China
  • Received:2021-04-21 Revised:2021-08-09 Published:2022-08-01 Online:2022-08-01

摘要: 金沙江上游作为长江的源头地区,具有特殊的生态环境功能,河流水温对水生生物的生长及周边生态环境具有重要意义。采用金沙江上游干流岗拖、巴塘、石鼓水文站实测水温数据,以河段天然水温作为研究对象,对其年内、年际变化及沿程分布规律进行了研究,并探讨了影响水温的主要水文、气象因素。结果表明,金沙江上游岗拖、巴塘、石鼓3个水文站月均水温最高值一般出现在7—8月份,最低值一般出现在1月份。1961—2018年3个水文站年水温总体上呈现出显著的上升趋势,并分别于1998年、1992年、2003年出现突变点。气温对3站月平均水温的影响最为紧密,其次是降水和径流,相对湿度、蒸发和风速也对该河段水温变化产生一定影响,日照与水温之间的关系最弱。从水温变化的沿程分布来看,从上游至下游,水温与径流、风速、水面蒸发相关系数沿程减小,与降水、气温、相对湿度相关系数沿程增加,其主要原因与金沙江上游流域水文气象特征关系密切。同时通过主成分分析,进一步验证了影响水温的主要因素。

关键词: 水温, 径流, 气温, 主成分分析, 金沙江上游

Abstract: As the source area of the Yangtze River,the upper Jinsha River is of special eco-environmental functions.The water temperature of the river is of great significance to the growth of aquatic organisms and the surrounding ecological environment.In this paper,the intra-annual and inter-annual changes as well as distribution along the flow direction of natural water temperature of the upper Jinsha River were examined according to measured water temperature data from hydrological stations of Gangtuo,Batang,and Shigu.Major hydrological and meteorological factors that affect the water temperature were also analyzed.Results unveiled that the monthly average water temperature at Gangtuo,Batang,and Shigu hit the highest from July to August in general,while the lowest in January.The annual water temperature at the three stations displayed a significant upward trend from 1961 to 2018,with abrupt changes in 1998,1992,and 2003,respectively.Air temperature had the largest influence on the monthly average water temperature,followed by precipitation and streamflow;relative humidity,evaporation and wind speed also had a certain impact on the change of water temperature;sunshine hour bore a weakest relationship to water temperature.From the upstream to the downstream,the coefficients of correlation between water temperature and runoff,wind speed,and water surface evaporation decreased,while those between water temperature and precipitation,temperature,and relative humidity increased.The hydrological and meteorological characteristics of the basin were closely related with water temperature changes.In addition,the main factors affecting water temperature were further verified through principal component analysis.

Key words: water temperature, streamflow, air temperature, principal component analysis, upper Jinsha River
