长江科学院院报 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 107-113.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20191202

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡清波1, 梁海安1,2, 杨婷1, 刘晓东3, 王瑜1, 张龙鹏1   

  1. 1.东华理工大学 土木与建筑工程学院,南昌 330013;
    2.东华理工大学 核资源与环境国家重点实验室,南昌 330013;
    3.东华理工大学 地球科学学院,南昌 330013
  • 收稿日期:2019-09-30 修回日期:2019-12-05 发布日期:
  • 作者简介:胡清波(1995-),男,江西丰城人,硕士研究生,主要从事岩土工程及地下空间工程等领域的研究。E-mail:hu_qingbo@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Permeability and Strength Characteristics of Tamusu Deep Clay under Confining Pressure and Osmotic Pressure

HU Qing-bo1, LIANG Hai-an1,2, YANG Ting1, LIU Xiao-dong3, WANG Yu1, ZHANG Long-peng1   

  1. 1. Architectural Engineering Institute, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China;
    2. State Key Laboratory for Nuclear Resources and Environment, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China;
    3. Faculty of Earth Science, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China
  • Received:2019-09-30 Revised:2019-12-05 Online:

摘要: 深部岩体多处于复杂应力场和渗流场中,研究围压和渗透压作用下黏土岩特性对高放射性废物深地质处置库的设计开挖具有重要的意义。通过塔木素黏土岩围压加卸载渗透率演化试验及不同围压和渗透压下全应力-应变渗透率试验,分析了其渗透和强度特性。综合考虑围压和渗透压对黏土岩强度的影响,引入围压强化系数和渗透压弱化系数,并结合不同强度准则在表征黏土岩强度特性中的适用性对比,提出一种考虑围压和渗透压共同作用的黏土岩强度准则。研究结果表明:塔木素深部黏土岩渗透率均处于10-20 m2数量级,其渗透率与围压的关系在加载阶段满足指数函数关系,在卸载阶段满足幂函数关系;全应力-应变过程中,黏土岩围压强化系数大于渗透压弱化系数,共同作用时,围压对黏土岩强度的影响占主导。考虑围压和渗透压共同作用的强度准则能更好地反映塔木素黏土岩的强度特性,克服了Mohr-Coulomb和Hoek-Brown强度准则仅考虑围压变化的局限。

关键词: 黏土岩, 渗透压, 渗透性, 强度准则, 围压强化系数, 渗透压弱化系数, 塔木素

Abstract: Deep rock mass is mostly in complex stress field and seepage field. Studying the characteristics of clay rock under confining pressure and osmotic pressure is of great significance for the design and excavation of highly radioactive waste repository. In this paper, we examined the strength and permeability of Tamusu clay via permeability evolution test under loading-unloading confining pressure and full stress-strain permeability test under different confining pressures and osmotic pressures. Having compared the applicability of different strength criteria in characterizing the strength characteristics of clay, we proposed a strength criterion for clay rock in consideration of confining pressure and osmotic pressure by introducing a strengthening coefficient of confining pressure and a weakening coefficient of osmotic pressure. Results demonstrate that the permeability of Tamusu deep clay is in the order of 10-20 m2, and the relationship between permeability and confining pressure conforms to exponential function in loading stage while power function in unloading stage. In the whole stress-strain process, the strengthening coefficient of confining pressure is greater than the weakening coefficient of osmotic pressure. When working together, confining pressure has a dominant influence on the strength of Tamusu clay. The strength criterion considering the interaction of confining pressure and osmotic pressure could better reflect the strength characteristics of the Tamusu clay rock and overcome the limits of Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown strength criterion which only consider the confining pressure variation.

Key words: clay rock, osmotic pressure, permeability, strength criterion, strengthening coefficient of confining pressure, weakening coefficient of osmotic pressure, Tamusu
