Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2017, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 131-135.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20160066

• HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE AND MATERIAL • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Curing Kinetics of CW Epoxy Resin Grouting Material

LI Jia-xiang1,2,3, WEI Tao2,3, WANG Zai-qin2,3   

  1. 1.College of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering, China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China;
    2.Collaborative Innovation Center for Geo-hazards and Eco-environment in Three Gorges Area in HubeiProvince, Yichang 443002, China;
    3.Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
  • Received:2016-01-20 Published:2017-04-01 Online:2017-04-01

Abstract: CW epoxy resin grouting material has been widely used in water conservancy projects such as Three Gorges Project, Gezhouba Project and Danjiangkou Project. At present, there are few studies on its curing kinetics. In this article, experiments were carried out to study the process of curing reaction of CW epoxy resin grouting material by using non isothermal DSC(Differential Scanning Calorimetry). The DSC curves at five different heating rates(5, 10, 15, 20, 25 K/min) were obtained. According to Kissinger function and Crane function, the apparent activation energy Ea, apparent frequency factor A and reaction order n of CW epoxy resin grouting material were obtained, and the n-tier curing kinetic model was established. The model can be used to predict and analyze the curing reaction characteristics of CW epoxy resin grouting material, and could guide the theoretical researches and engineering practice of the modification of grouting material combined with test data.

Key words: CW epoxy resin, grouting material, curing reaction, curing kinetics, curing degree

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