Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 114-118.

• MONOGRAPH ON MARINE CEMENT APPLICATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Case Study on Using Marine Cement to Improve the Corrosion Resistance of Concrete Projects

XIE Fang, MA Zhi-deng, HUANG Kang-hua, TONG Li-fen   

  1. Zhejiang Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power, Hangzhou 310002,China
  • Received:2012-12-26 Revised:2013-09-18 Published:2013-09-15 Online:2013-09-15

Abstract: To improve the durability of mass concrete in hydraulic engineering and control the quality of field-mixed marine concrete, marine cement was directly used to simplify the in-situ mixing. The durability of marine cement-based concrete was investigated by field reconnaissance, sample inspection, laboratory test, and data analysis of existing hydraulic concrete structures. The results show that the method of mixing marine cement-based concrete is simple, and the concrete has good performance of resisting chloride penetration, which meets the requirements of durability, strength, and other working performances for hydraulic structure in marine environment. The example data and analysis in this paper could be a reference for related researches and applications.

Key words: coastal environment, durability of concrete, marine cement, case study

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