Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 67-70.

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Application of Multi -resolution Analysis in Detection ofRock Anchor Bar Quality Using Elastic Wave Non -destructive Method

 XIAO  Guo-Qiang, LIU  Tian-You, ZHOU  Li-Ming, WANG  Fa-Gang, YANG  Yu-Shan   

  • Published:2006-08-01 Online:2006-08-01

Abstract: Uncompacted location and grouting saturation degree i n the zone of anchorage bar are the two main parameters for judging rock bolts q uality. At present, these two parameters are mainly detected by elastic wave met hod. It is important how to separate the high frequency wavelets from detected i nformation. Wavelet analysis as time -frequency analysis meth od has multi -scale analysis functions and ability of characterizing local features in time domain and frequencies domain. Based on the wavelet multi -resolution research of theoretical model curves and engineering information, the results show that high frequency from different reflection interfaces can be separated in wavelet domain.