Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 75-78.

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Reliability Controlled by Displacement of Aqueduct FrameStructure System Subjected to Earthquake

 AN  Xu-Wen, ZHANG  Ming-Qiang, ZHU   Tun   

  • Published:2010-02-01 Online:2010-02-01

Abstract: Taking inter-storey and peak displacements of an aqueduct frame structure as a control index, the reliability model of the aqueduct structure controlled by horizontal displacement subjected to a small earthquake was built. On the basis of the relative specifications, the limit values of inter-storey and peak displacements were put forward. According to the statistical characteristics of design parameters, the reliability controlled by displacement of the aqueduct structure system under a small earthquake has been studied using the method combining Monte Carlo simulation with finite element. A new reliability analysis and design method of aqueduct structure under earthquake action was put forward.