长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 1-3.

• 江湖泥沙与治理 •    下一篇


康 锋1, 侍克斌2, 陶春洁1   

  1. 1. 河南省豫北水利勘测设计院 , 河南 安阳 455000 ; 2. 新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 , 乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 出版日期:2010-05-01 发布日期:2010-05-01

Preliminary Study on Reservoir Lateral Erosion

KANG Feng1 , SHI Ke-bin2, TAO Chun-jie1   

  1. 1.Water Conservancy, Survey and Design Institute, Anyang 455000,China ; 2.Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
  • Published:2010-05-01 Online:2010-05-01

摘要: 水库泥沙淤积一直是阻碍水库功能正常发挥的一个严重问题。在各种水库排沙的方法中,水库横向冲蚀技术就是一种很好的水库排沙方法 , 以往人们没有对该方法进行系统的总结与概括。依据头屯河水库 2001 年运用高渠排沙的成功经验,通过数据总结和规律分析,提出适合于该水库高渠排沙的宽深经验公式。同时,根据水库横向冲蚀的特性及规律,推导出用管道拉淤时,冲滩流量控制的一套简单公式及操作方法。其研究成果不仅有利于头屯河水库今后泥沙的管理,而且为相似水库的排沙提供了依据,更为水库横向冲蚀技术深入研究提供了理论依据。

关键词: 横向冲蚀, 水库淤积, 管道拉淤, 经验公式, 头屯河水库

Abstract: Reservoir sedimentation is a serious problem to gradually lose normal function of a reservoir. Lateral erosion in reservoir flushing technologies is a kind of very good method to flush reservoir sediment deposition. In the past, the method was not summarized systematically. On the basis of the experience and data obtained by the method in the Toutunhe Reservoir in 2001, and through analysis, an empirical formula was given. At the same time, according to the reservoir characteristics of lateral flushing and regularity, with a pipe flushing, a simple formula used for controlly flushing discharge and several operational methods were proposed. This research result is not only beneficial to the Toutunhe Reservoir management, but also provides the theory basis of applying lateral flushing in reservoir for other similar reservoirs.

Key words: lateral erosion,  , reservoir desilting , pipe flushing , empirical formula , Toutunhe Reservoir
