长江科学院院报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 146-152.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20210869

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙向军, 潘家军, 周跃峰, 左永振   

  1. 长江科学院 水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-19 修回日期:2021-11-23 出版日期:2023-01-01 发布日期:2023-01-01
  • 作者简介:孙向军(1998-),男,甘肃通渭人,硕士研究生,研究方向为粗粒土力学特性。E-mail:sunxj1998 @126.com
  • 基金资助:

A Comparative Study of Wetting Deformation Model of Single-line Method of Damming Coarse Grain

SUN Xiang-jun, PAN Jia-jun, ZHOU Yue-feng, ZUO Yong-zhen   

  1. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of Ministry of Water Resources, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010,China
  • Received:2022-08-19 Revised:2021-11-23 Published:2023-01-01 Online:2023-01-01

摘要: 粗粒土的湿化变形是一种普遍现象,对土石坝长期安全运行至关重要。针对已有多种经验公式拟合精度未知问题,对搜集的试验数据进行验证研究。结果表明:①各向等压湿化体变与围压用幂函数拟合效果较好;②湿化轴向应变与应力水平用指数函数拟合效果较好,指数函数参数与围压呈良好的线性关系;③湿化体变采用双线性模型,形式简单且拟合精度较幂线型及六参数型高;④湿化剪应变与应力水平呈良好的双曲线关系,与围压相关性较弱。最后,分析了湿化应变与不同应力水平的相关程度,建立了基于改进相对湿化应力水平的湿化应变经验公式。

关键词: 湿化应变, 经验公式, 应力水平, 拟合精度, 相关性分析

Abstract: The common wetting deformation of coarse grain soil is of crucial importance for the long-term safe operation of earth and rockfill dam. The fitting accuracy of existing empirical formulas is unclear. In view of this,experimental data was collected and verified. Results demonstrated that: 1) the relation between wetting volumetric deformation under constant pressure and confining pressure can be well fitted with power function;2) the relation between wetting axial strain and stress level can be well fitted with exponential function,and the parameters of exponential function are linearly related to confining pressure;3) a bilinear model with simple form for wetting volumetric strain has higher fitting accuracy than the power linear model and the six-parameter model;4) wetting shear strain is in a good hyperbolic relationship with stress level but a weak correlation with confining pressure. In addition,an empirical formula of wetting strain based on modified relative wetting stress level is established by analyzing the correlation between wetting strain and different stress levels.

Key words: wetting strain, empirical formula, stress levels, fit accuracy, correlation analysis
