Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2016, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 76-82.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20150070

• ROCK-SOIL ENGINEERING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Discussion on Rational Reinforcement Layout of Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall Based on Sand Box Model Test

ZHANG Yu-guang1,2, LUO Qiang1,2, ZHANG Liang1,2, JIANG Liang-wei1,2, TAN Xiao-ying1,2   

  1. 1.MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;
    2.School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
  • Received:2015-01-12 Published:2016-05-01 Online:2016-05-01

Abstract: The rational layout of reinforcement in reinforced soil retaining wall is discussed by using sand box model test. The horizontal and vertical spacings, width and length of reinforcement in the prerequisite of minimum reinforcement area under limit stable state are researched. According to the method of equal soil pressure, the layout of reinforcement which is increasingly denser in vertical direction with equal horizontal spacing is put forward, and the corresponding calculation formula is presented. Analysis shows that the layout pattern “sparse in the upper part and dense in the lower part” which is consistent with the increasing soil pressure along depth leads to a balanced force on the reinforcement, and this layout pattern (narrow geobelts distributed densely) requires less amount of reinforcement and achieves better stability; while the layout with long geobelts in the upper part and short geobelts downwards which adapts to the shape of backfill potential rupture wedge (wide in the upper part and narrow in the lower part) is prior to the layout with geobelts of equal length; and moreover, narrow and long geobelts could increase the effective anchorage area and improve the stability of retaining wall compared with wide and short geobelts.

Key words: reinforced soil retaining wall, sand box model, reasonable distribution of reinforcement, equal stress area method, potential rupture surface

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