Research Progress of Bioremediation Technology and Mechanismsof Treating Pentachlorophenol Contaminated Soil and Sediment
ZHAO Liang-yuan1,2, LIN Li1,2, WU Min1,2, LI Qing-yun1,2, HUANG Zhuo1,2
1.Basin Water Environment Department, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
2.Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of River Basin Water Resources and Eco-environmental Sciences,Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
ZHAO Liang-yuan, LIN Li, WU Min, LI Qing-yun, HUANG Zhuo. Research Progress of Bioremediation Technology and Mechanismsof Treating Pentachlorophenol Contaminated Soil and Sediment[J]. Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 2015, 32(8): 15-21.