Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 110-114.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2014.09.021

• INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Role of Cloud Computing in Informatization of Water-conservancy Scientific Research

ZHOU Li-feng, LIU Wen, ZHANG Zhi-zhong   

  1. Technology Information Center, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
  • Received:2014-04-29 Revised:2014-09-04 Published:2014-09-01 Online:2014-09-01

Abstract: The Informatization Planning of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute (2013—2017) determines the construction targets and three construction tasks of informatization in the future five years. Cloud computing is acknowledged as the basis of research environment and promotes research abilities for the Institute. In this paper, the main contents of the planning are described briefly, the construction ideas of cloud computing based on visualization and resource pool are introduced, and the structure and data categories of comprehensive data center are introduced. Moreover, the technologies, methods and approaches of management informatization and scientific research informatization, as well as previous research on intelligent river basin based on cloud computing platform are expounded, the cloud framework is put forward, and the inherent relationships among intelligent river basin, internet of things (IOT) and big data are illustrated. Applications of cloud computing will improve the core competence in scientific researches.

Key words: cloud computing, informatization planning, data center, intelligent river basin, internet of things

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