Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (11): 25-32.

• HEALTHY CHANGJIANG RIVER • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Spatial Analysis of Rural Road Network in Hilly Area of Chongqing Based on GIS

YANG Xin-yue1, WEI Chao-fu1, SHAO Jing-an2, ZHANG Ping-cang3, DING Wen-feng3   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Eco-environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region (Ministry of Education) , College of Resources and Environment , Southwest University , Chongqing 400715 , China ; 2.Three  Gorges Reservoir Area, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 400047, China ; 3.Soil and Water Conservation Institute of Changjiang Scientific Research Institute , Wuhan 430010 , China
  • Published:2010-11-01 Online:2010-11-01

Abstract: The quantity and spatial characteristics of rural roads in Chongqing City have been changed because of the implementation of new countryside construction and rural road construction projects. Thus this paper employed the spatial analysis of geographic information system (GIS) to analyze the characteristics change and its influence factors for rural roads in a land consolidation project area, which is located in the hilly area of Chongqing City. The results show that the total length of roads increases from 54.58 km to 73.27 km before and after land consolidation, and the road density increases from 55.12 m/hm2 to 74.00m/hm2 during the same period. The materials used for building rural road have adopted mixed mud and rock as well as concrete, Moran's I coefficient indicating road density is decreased from 0.19 to 0.08 , which means that the road network is becoming more and more even and optimization due to land consolidation. The network indexes of α , β , γ demonstrate the improvement of road network. From the view point of village, the road network features are largely influenced by micro-topography and distribution of rural residential area, thus road layout should consider to increase the proximity of residential area to roads and the cost-saving of roads ' construction. Finally, the network analysis is proved to be effective in describing the characteristics change of rural roads.

Key words: rural road  ,    village scale ,    land consolidation  ,  spatial analysis

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