Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 13-16.

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Stability Analysis of Soil Slope under Seepage by PLAXIS Finite Element Program

 TANG  Xiao-Song, ZHENG  Ying-Ren, WU  Ai-Qing, LIN  Cheng-Gong   

  • Published:2006-08-01 Online:2006-08-01

Abstract: To analyse the stability of soil slope under seepage, the effects of coupling between seepage and stress fields should be considered.Until now, the stability analysis of the soil slope under seepage is carried ou t through the program developed by the researcher. Usually, the data of seepage are simulated through FEM, then the stability is analysed by the means of slicin g. The analysis and calculation through strength reduction FEM is feasible. More over, the PLAXIS finite element program is suitable to this field. In this paper , the PLAXIS finite element program is adopted to analyse the stability of soil slope under seepage through strength reduction FEM. Then the checking computatio n is conducted through the program of ADINA and GEO - SLOPE.