长江科学院院报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (11): 63-70.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20220661

• 水灾害 • 上一篇    下一篇


宋雯1, 王加虎2, 卢金友3, 赵文刚1, 刘晓群1   

  1. 1.湖南省水利水电科学研究院,长沙 410007;
    2.河海大学 水文水资源学院,南京 210098;
    3.长江科学院 水利部江湖治理与防洪重点实验室,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-10 修回日期:2022-09-13 出版日期:2023-11-01 发布日期:2023-11-01
  • 作者简介:宋雯(1990-),女,河南台前人,助理研究员,硕士,研究方向为河湖演变。E-mail:511329630@.com
  • 基金资助:

Excess Flood Distribution in Dongting Lake Based on Hydrological Model

SONG Wen1, WANG Jia-hu2, LU Jin-you3, ZHAO Wen-gang1, LIU Xiao-qun1   

  1. 1. Hunan Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Changsha 410007,China;
    2. College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;
    3. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Water Resources on River-Lake Regulation and Flood Control in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010,China
  • Received:2022-06-10 Revised:2022-09-13 Published:2023-11-01 Online:2023-11-01

摘要: 为了定量评估荆江三口、湘资沅澧四水以及区间来水洪水入湖时洞庭湖内部超额洪量分布情况,以长江干流螺山站、东洞庭湖七里山站、南洞庭湖鹿角站、西洞庭湖南咀站及小河咀站等分别作为区域出口控制断面,建立洞庭湖洪水水文模型,利用1996年、1998年、2017年典型洪水数据率定参数,计算三峡水库运行前后再现1954年洪水(长江防御目标洪水)时洞庭湖内部超额洪量分布情况。研究结果表明三峡水库调洪作用明显,但遭遇目标洪水时城陵矶附近仍有215亿m3超额洪量,且洞庭湖要承担143亿m3超额洪量,其中西洞庭湖、南洞庭湖、东洞庭湖分别承担26亿、62亿、55亿m3超额洪量,该结果与西、南、东洞庭湖区蓄洪垸蓄洪总量相当。本研究结果可为长江中游防洪布局优化提供技术参考。

关键词: 防洪工程, 超额洪量, 水文学模型, 洪水分配, 洞庭湖

Abstract: To quantitatively assess the distribution of excess flood volume in Dongting Lake during the inflow of floodwaters from the Jingjiang River's three diversion outlets, as well as the Xiangjiang River, Yuanjiang River, Zijiang River, and Lishui River, we establish a regional flood routing model. Our model focuses on key control sections, namely the Luoshan station in the Yangtze River's main stream, the Qilishan station in East Dongting Lake, the Lujiao station in South Dongting Lake, and the Nanzui and Xiaohezui stations in West Dongting Lake. By calibrating the parameters using typical flood data from 1996, 1998, and 2017, we calculate the distribution of excess flood volume within Dongting Lake during the 1954 flood (defense target flood for Yangtze River) before and after the Three Gorges operation. The results highlight the apparent flood regulation effect of the Three Gorges reservoir. However, even when facing the target flood, an excess flood volume of 21.5 billion m3 remains near Chenglingji, with Dongting Lake bearing an excess of 14.3 billion m3, among which the West Dongting Lake, South Dongting Lake, and East Dongting Lake bear excess flood volumes of 2.6 billion m3, 6.2 billion m3, and 5.5 billion m3, respectively. This result is equivalent to the total flood storage volume of the storage embankments in the Dongting Lake area. The findings serve as a technical reference for optimizing flood control layout in the middle reach of the Yangtze River.

Key words: flood control works, excess flood volume, hydrological model, flood distribution, Dongting lake
