长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 44-48.

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中铁第四勘察设计集团有限公司,武汉 430063
  • 出版日期:2010-04-01 发布日期:2010-04-01

Study of Tip Resistance of Rock-embedded Pile

WANG Yong-gang   

  1. China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd ,Wuhan 430063,China
  • Published:2010-04-01 Online:2010-04-01

摘要: 嵌岩桩由于其承载力高,其原型试验所需经费多,而且不易做到破坏,这就使对嵌岩桩的数值模拟成为必要。采用三维有限元方法对嵌岩桩的承载性状进行了模拟,对土、岩石均采用Drucker-Prager模型,在不同的工况下对嵌岩桩的承载性状进行了分析。最后,将三维有限元方法引入了具体的工程实例,把有限元分析的结果与实测的数据进行了比较分析,取得了较好的一致性,说明采用的有限元模型对嵌岩桩的分析是比较符合实际情况的。

关键词: 嵌岩桩, 有限单元法, 极限承载力

Abstract: Because of the high bearing resistance of the rock-embedded pile, it is expensive to conduct prototype test with the static load and it is hard to get to the point of the damage. So it is necessary to simulate the character of the rock-embedded pile under high load by numerical method. In this paper, threedimension finite element method is introduced to simulate the behave of the rock-embedded pile. The model of Drucker-Prager is considered as suiting to the soil and the rock. And then the characters of the rock-embedded pile are analysed under different conditions. Finally, the method is used in some practical engineering. The comparison between the results obtained by this method and data from the practical project shows good agreement in some degree.

Key words:  rock-embedded pile, finite element method, ultimate bearing capacity
