长江科学院院报 ›› 2015, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 77-81.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2015.07.014

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


张新辉1, 尹健民1, 张向阳2, 脱兴华2   

  1. 1.长江科学院 水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室,武汉 430010;
    2.中国水电顾问集团 西北勘测设计研究院,西安 710065
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-11 出版日期:2015-07-01 发布日期:2015-07-01
  • 作者简介:张新辉(1988-),男,陕西渭南人,硕士研究生,主要从事岩石力学与工程研究,(电话)13545296275(电子信箱)547834903@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Regression Analysis and Evaluation for the In-situ Stress Field of Kariba Hydropower Plant’s Underground Powerhouse

ZHANG Xin-hui1,YIN Jian-min1, ZHANG Xiang-yang2, TUO Xing-hua2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics & Engineering of MWR, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
    2. Power China Xibei Engineering Corporation Limited, Xi’an 710065, China
  • Received:2014-02-11 Published:2015-07-01 Online:2015-07-01

摘要: 为了对卡里巴水电站地下厂房区地应力场特征及其围岩稳定性进行评价,采用基于三维有限元模拟的多元回归分析方法,对地应力实测资料进行了回归拟合,获得了工程区应力场的分布规律。其中,计算值与实测值能较好地拟合,回归效果良好。根据回归分析结果可知:地下厂房区以水平向构造应力场为主,属于低应力区,其应力分布主要受地形地貌、地层岩性和断裂构造的影响;最大水平主应力与拟订地下厂房的长轴线近于平行,有利于厂房围岩的稳定。

关键词: 地下厂房, 应力场, 回归分析, 有限元, 围岩稳定

Abstract: In order to evaluate the in-situ stress field and surrounding rock stability of Kariba Hydropower Plant’s underground powerhouse, we employed multi-factor regression analysis method based on three-dimensional finite element simulation in the regression fitting of measured data so as to obtain the distribution of stress field. The calculated values could well fit the measured values, so the regression results were good. According to regression results, the stress field of underground powerhouse was mainly influenced by horizontal structural stress field and in low stress level due to the effect of topography and geomorphology, formation lithology and fault structure. The direction of maximum horizontal principal stress approximately paralleled to the long axis of the powerhouse, beneficial to the stability of surrounding rock.

Key words: underground powerhouse, stress field, regression analysis, finite element, stability of surrounding rock
