长江科学院院报 ›› 2018, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9): 63-67.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20170358

• 工程安全与灾害防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


王文坡1,2, 韩爱果1, 任光明1, 杨磊3, 黄文芳4   

  1. 1.成都理工大学 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,成都 610059;
    2.贵州正业工程技术投资有限公司,贵阳 550005;
    3.四川省地质调查院 遥感中心,成都 610081;
    4.国网四川省电力公司经济技术研究院(成都城电电力工程设计有限公司),成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-31 出版日期:2018-09-01 发布日期:2018-09-01
  • 作者简介:王文坡(1991-),男,河北邢台人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为岩土体稳定性及工程环境效应。E-mail:583433079 @qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Sensitivity Analysis of Hazard-brewing Environmental Factors ofLandslides in Puge County of Sichuan Province

WANG Wen-po1,2, HAN Ai-guo1, REN Guang-ming1, YANG Lei3, HUANG Wen-fang4   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Environment Protection, Chengdu Univerisity of Technology, Chendu 610059, China;
    2.Guizhou Zhengye Engineering Technology Investment Co., Ltd.,Guiyang 550005, China;
    3.Remote Sensing Center,Sichuan Grological Survey,Chengdu 610081,China;
    4.Economic Research Institute, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company(Chengdu Chengdian ElectricPower Engineering Design Co., Ltd.), Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2017-03-31 Published:2018-09-01 Online:2018-09-01

摘要: 四川西部是我国地质灾害高易发区。为了对滑坡孕灾环境因子的敏感性进行定量分析,以普格县境内分布的滑坡为例,基于变维分形理论、ArcGIS平台,借助累积和变换次数和分维值研究区内小、中、大型滑坡孕灾环境因子的敏感性,并引入分维值方差这一概念来度量分维值的离散程度。主要成果与结论为:①坡度、断裂和公路等因子对滑坡发育的影响较大,河流和起伏度等因子对滑坡发育的影响较小;②中型滑坡的孕灾环境因子分维值方差最大,小型滑坡次之,大型滑坡最小;③分维值为滑坡对孕灾环境因子的敏感性提供了定量的分析,而分维值方差为滑坡对各个孕灾环境因子敏感性程度的离散性进行了度量;④变维分形理论为滑坡灾害危险性评价中的孕灾环境因子权重提供了分形学依据。

关键词: 滑坡, 变维分形理论, 孕灾环境因子, 敏感性分析, 分维值, 分维值方差, 四川普格县

Abstract: The west of Sichuan Proince is highly prone to geological disasters.In an attempt to quantify the sensitivityof landslide-brewing environmental factors (including fault, petrofabric, river, slope gradient, land relief, road, and elevation),the discrete degree of fractal dimension values of the abovementioned factors are measured by calculating the variance of fractal dimension values in association with ArcGIS. Landslide in Puge County of Sichuan Province are taken as research objective. The main results are concluded as follows:(1)Slope gradient, fault, and road have large impact on the development of landslide, while river and land relief has small influence on landslide development; (2) The variance of fractal dimension value of medium-sized landslide is the largest, followed by that of small landslide and large-scale landslide; (3) The sensitivity of landslide to hazard-brewing factors can be quantified by fractal dimension values, and the dicrete degree of the sensitivity can be measured by variance of fractal dimension values; (4)The variable dimension fractal theory provide a basis for obtaining the weights of hazard-brewing environmental factors in landslide risk assessment.

Key words: landslides, fractal dimension theory, hazard-brewing environmental factors, sensitivity analysis, fractal dimension value, variance of fractal dimension value, Puge County
