长江科学院院报 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 17-22.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20210373

• 水资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


谢帅1,2,3, 林航1, 王永强1,2,3, 许继军1,2,3, 陈进1,2,3   

  1. 1.长江科学院 水资源综合利用研究所,武汉 430010;
    2.长江科学院 流域水资源与生态环境科学湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430010;
    3.长江水利委员会 长江经济带保护与发展战略研究中心,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-20 修回日期:2021-07-05 出版日期:2022-07-01 发布日期:2022-07-01
  • 作者简介:谢 帅(1993-),男,河南南阳人,工程师,博士,研究方向为水文水资源。E-mail:xieshuai@mail.crsri.cn
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation of Available Rainwater Resources in the Guanlan River Basin of Shenzhen City

XIE Shuai1,2,3, LIN Hang1, WANG Yong-qiang1,2,3, XU Ji-jun1,2,3, CHEN Jin1,2,3   

  1. 1. Water Resources Department,Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010,China;
    2. Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Resources & Eco-environmental Sciences,Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010,China;
    3. Research Center on Protection and Development Strategy of Yangtze River Economic Belt,Changjiang Water Resources Commission,Wuhan 430010,China
  • Received:2021-04-20 Revised:2021-07-05 Published:2022-07-01 Online:2022-07-01

摘要: 雨水资源化利用是解决城镇化进程中城市水问题的重要途径,对其可利用量进行评估是其中重要的步骤。为给深圳市观澜河流域雨水资源利用提供依据,基于深圳市1984—2018年的日降雨资料,采用基于下垫面分类的雨水资源利用潜力计算方法,计算了深圳市观澜河流域在不同典型年的雨水资源量、雨水资源利用理论潜力、现实潜力。结果表明:观澜河流域具有较大的雨水资源利用潜力,其平水年雨水资源利用理论潜力可达3.74亿m3,在70%年径流总量控制率情况下的雨水资源利用现实潜力可达2.42亿m3;在同样的降雨条件下,下垫面类型和城市建设条件均会对雨水资源可利用量产生较大影响,增大园林绿地、水体等下垫面面积和增大年径流总量控制率均有助于提升雨水资源的利用。

关键词: 雨水资源利用, 理论潜力, 现实潜力, 年径流总量控制率, 下垫面类型, 观澜河流域

Abstract: Evaluating the available amount of rainwater resources is a crucial part of utilizing rainwater resources in solving the water problems in the process of urbanization.In order to support the utilization of rainwater resources in the Guanlan River basin in Shenzhen,we calculated the amount,the theoretical potential and the practical potential of rainwater resources in different typical years based on the daily rainfall data of Shenzhen from 1984 to 2018 by using a calculation method based on classifying the types of underlying surface.Results demonstrate that the Guanlan River basin has a large potential in the utilization of rainwater resources,with the theoretical potential in normal flow year reaching 374 million m3 and the practical potential at a 70% control rate of total annual runoff amounting to 242 million m3.Under equivalent rainfall conditions,the underlying surface and the urban construction conditions both exert remarkable influence on the available rainwater resources.Expanding underlying surface area such as landscaping area and water area and raising the control rate of total annual runoff are conducive to improving the practical potential of available rainwater resources.

Key words: rainwater resources utilization, theoretical potential, practical potential, control rate of total annual runoff, underlying surface type, Guanlan River basin
