长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 61-64.

• 科技简报 • 上一篇    


 刘建刚, 郑克勋, 咸云尚, 陈建生, 陈 亮   

  • 出版日期:2006-02-01 发布日期:2006-02-01

Groundwater Seepage Tracer below Cutoff Wall and Impervious B lanket for Jicun Hydraulic Power Station

 LIU  Jian-Gang, ZHENG  Ke-Xun, XIAN  Yun-Shang, CHEN  Jian-Sheng, CHEN   Liang   

  • Published:2006-02-01 Online:2006-02-01

摘要: 纪村水电站铺盖廊道扬压力观测值近年有增大趋势,2000年后当库水位超过54 m时,右无砂管排水量出现陡增,为此防渗墙和防渗铺盖的防渗性能受到特别关注。从物理化学示踪和地下水流速流向和垂向流的示踪看,防渗墙和铺盖的防渗性能总体是好的,但存在局部小的渗漏点。右无砂管排水量由通过防渗墙、防渗铺盖及斜墙伸缩缝入渗的库水和右土坝基岩中沿F16断层集中渗透的地下水组成,后者是右无砂管排水量的重要组成部分,占74.7%,同时也是铺盖廊道扬压力呈增大趋势的主要原因。今后防渗重点应该是对F16断层的处理。

关键词:  , 纪村水电站;防渗墙;防渗铺盖;地下水渗流;同位素示踪

Abstract: There exist two groundwater seepage problems for Jicun Hydraulic Power Station in recent years, i.e.,one is uplift pressure in blanket gallery to tend higher, the other is drain discharge from right no-sands tube increasing immediately when the reservoir water level reaches 54 m. Now by physical and chemical tracer and isotope tracer analysis, it is clear that the leak resistance of stub cutoff wall and impervious blanket is good on the whole, but small leaking points and a strong leakage along fault F16 in rock also exist. Drain discharge from right no-sands tube is by 74.7 percent strong leakage along fault F16 in rock and 25.3 percent reservoir water through small leak points.The strong leakage also results in the uplift pressure increasing. It is suggested that fault F16 must be treated by the impervious measure in the future.