长江科学院院报 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 145-152.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20210080

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐旭, 丁刚, 姚文娟   

  1. 上海大学 力学与工程科学学院,上海 200444
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-27 修回日期:2021-06-21 出版日期:2022-05-01 发布日期:2022-05-01
  • 作者简介:徐旭(1968-),男,江苏南通人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事结构工程方面的研究。E-mail:xuxuofshu@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Stability Analysis of Offshore Spar Floating Foundation Platform under Wind Wave Current Load Based on AQWA

XU Xu, DING Gang, YAO Wen-juan   

  1. School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
  • Received:2021-01-27 Revised:2021-06-21 Published:2022-05-01 Online:2022-05-01

摘要: 为了解决现阶段可再生能源利用的问题,实现深海风能的有效利用,针对设计出的OC3-Hywind 5MW Spar型浮式平台基础部分在风浪流荷载下的稳定性问题进行研究。利用ANSYS中的水动力模块(AQWA)分别对结构进行频域以及时域耦合运动响应仿真模拟,比较分析了不同工况下浮式结构各个自由度下的运动响应值,以及配重块在系泊不同位置处对结构运动响应值及系泊力的影响情况。结果表明:在不同工况作用下的浮式结构在纵摇自由度方向上的运动响应极值主要受风荷载影响,随着风速增大,响应极值也随之增大,在其他自由度上的响应极值受风、浪荷载影响较小;改变配重块在系泊缆上的悬挂位置对浮式基础在纵摇和首摇自由度方向的运动有着显著影响,并且随着配重块距离锚固点越近,响应值越大,越不利于浮式基础的稳定;未悬挂配重块的系泊力高于悬挂了配重块的系泊力,随着配重块悬挂位置离锚固点越远,系泊力越小,越能保证浮式基础在恶劣海况条件下的稳定性。

关键词: 浮式基础, 稳定性分析, 风浪流荷载, AQWA, 动力响应, 系泊力

Abstract: In view of the currently low utilization rate of renewable energy and to effectively use deep-sea wind energy, we probed into the stability of the foundation part of the designed OC3-Hywind 5MW Spar floating platform under wind, wave, and current loads. By simulating the coupled motion response of the structure in the frequency domain and time domain respectively using hydrodynamic module AQWA in ANSYS, we compared and analyzed the motion response extreme values of the floating foundation under various degrees of freedom in different working conditions, as well as the influence of counterweights at different positions of the mooring on the response value of structure motion and mooring tension. Results revealed that the extreme value of the motion response of the floating foundation platform in the direction of the pitch degree of freedom in different cases was mainly affected by wind load; as wind speed increased, the extreme value of the response also increased. The extreme value of response in other degrees of freedom was less affected by wind and wave loads. Changing the position of counterweights on the mooring line had a significant impact on the movement of the floating foundation platform in the pitch and yaw degrees of freedom; the closer the counterweight was to the anchoring point, the greater the response value was, which is not conducive to the stability of the foundation platform. The tension of the mooring system in the absence of counterweight was higher than that in the presence of counterweight; as the counterweight was farther from the anchoring point, the mooring force reduced, which ensured the survivability of the floating foundation platform under severe sea conditions.

Key words: floating foundation platform, stability analysis, wind wave current load, AQWA, motion response, mooring force
