长江科学院院报 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 46-52.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20200406

• 水力学 • 上一篇    下一篇


王才欢1, 王伟2, 侯冬梅1, 王智欣1, 田丰源2   

  1. 1.长江科学院 水力学研究所,武汉 430010;
    2.南水北调中线干线建设管理局 渠首分局,河南 南阳 473000
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-08 修回日期:2020-09-01 发布日期:
  • 作者简介:王才欢(1962-),男,湖北鄂州人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事水工水力学研究工作。E-mail:Wangch@mail.crsri.cn
  • 基金资助:

Abnormal Water Waves in Large-scale Conveyance Aqueduct: Causes and Countermeasures

WANG Cai-huan1, WANG Wei2, HOU Dong-mei1, WANG Zhi-xin1, TIAN Feng-yuan2   

  1. 1. Hydraulics Department, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
    2. Qushou Branch, Construction and Administration Bureau of South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Project, Nanyang 473000, China
  • Received:2020-05-08 Revised:2020-09-01 Online:

摘要: 南水北调中线总干渠十二里河渡槽在大流量输水时出现波幅达1.0 m的超常大波动现象,总干渠输水能力受到影响,对相关建筑物构成危害。通过水力学模型试验,复演了原型渡槽大流量输水时的超常大波动现象;分析揭示了渡槽产生超常大波动的成因是渡槽出口的“卡门涡街”及由此引发的渡槽进口左右两槽进流量的周期性变化。从消除渡槽出口墩尾“卡门涡街”波源、阻止渡槽进口前左右两槽进流量发生周期性变化等方面,分别提出了消减渡槽超常大波动的工程措施及闸门调度运行方案。研究结果表明:渡槽内的最大波幅均降至0.2 m以下。闸门调度运行方案在工程现场运用后,渡槽及渠道内的大波浪均得到了有效控制。

关键词: 输水渡槽, 水流大波动, 卡门涡街, 窄尾墩, 模型试验

Abstract: Abnormal large water waves with amplitudes up to 1.0 meter were observed under large discharge conditions in the Shierlihe aqueduct, part of the main canal of the South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route Project. Due to the large water waves, the water conveyance capability of the main canal is affected, and associated structures are endangered. Hydraulic model tests were carried out to reproduce the abnormal water waves observed in the prototype aqueduct. Result reveals that the alternative change of inflow between the left and right ducts induced by Karman vortex street at the exit of the aqueduct is the major cause of abnormal water waves with large amplitudes in the aqueduct. By eliminating the wave source, i.e., Karman vortex street at the exit pier of the aqueduct and preventing the alternative change of inflow conditions in the left and right ducts at the aqueduct entrance, engineering measures and scheduled gate operation scheme are proposed to reduce the abnormal water waves in the aqueduct. It is found that the maximum wave amplitudes in the aqueduct can be reduced to below 0.2 meter under all discharge conditions. The proposed gate operation strategy has been applied to the prototype project, and the abnormal water waves in the aqueduct and canal are well controlled.

Key words: conveyance aqueduct, large water wave, Karman vortex street, narrow gate pier, model test
