长江科学院院报 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 98-106.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20220952

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱杰兵, 吕思清, 汪斌, 祝永锁   

  1. 长江科学院 水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-05 修回日期:2022-12-06 出版日期:2024-01-01 发布日期:2024-01-01
  • 作者简介:朱杰兵(1970-),男,安徽怀宁人,正高级工程师,博士,研究方向为岩石力学试验与分析、锚固结构耐久性等。E-mail:zhujb@vip.163.com
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(41877280, 12072047,42277186)

Research Review of Scaled Physical Model Test of Water Inrush Disaster in Tunnel

ZHU Jie-bing, LÜ Si-qing, WANG Bin, ZHU Yong-suo   

  1. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of Ministry of Water Resources, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
  • Received:2022-08-05 Revised:2022-12-06 Published:2024-01-01 Online:2024-01-01

摘要: 随着我国经济的快速发展,隧道工程建设越来越多地面临着大埋深、高地应力、高地温、高渗透压力等复杂地质环境,运用物理模型试验开展复杂环境下隧道突涌水灾变机理与安全防控研究已成为岩石力学的热点问题。结合近年来国内外针对隧道突涌水灾变缩尺物理模型试验开展的研究工作,重点对该类物理模型的流固耦合相似理论、相似材料研制、渗透压加载方法等内容进行了系统梳理,并对下一步的可能发展方向进行展望。参考部分文献和突水典型案例后,总结了流固耦合相似准则和高地应力下的相似准则、相似材料选用方案及材料配比、试验中的水压加载方案,认为未来关注的重点包括考虑温度场的物理模型试验相似准则的研究和涌水涌泥与突水突泥间渐变过程的研究2个方面。

关键词: 突涌水灾变, 缩尺物理模型试验, 流固耦合相似理论, 相似材料, 致灾因子, 致灾机理

Abstract: As China's economy rapidly develops, tunnel engineering construction increasingly faces complex geological environments, such as deep burial depth, high geostress, high geo-temperature, and high osmotic pressure. Consequently, investigating the mechanisms and safety prevention and control of water inrush in tunnels under these complex environments through physical model tests has become a significant topic in rock mechanics research. Based on recent research on scaling physical model tests for water inrush in tunnels both in China and abroad, we systematically review the similarity theory of fluid-solid coupling, the development of similar materials, and osmotic pressure loading methods. Furthermore, we explore potential directions for future research. After consulting various literature sources and examining typical water inrush cases, we summarize the similarity criteria for fluid-solid coupling and high geostress, the selection schemes and proportions of similar materials, and water pressure loading schemes for tests. We also suggest that future research may focus on two aspects: 1) study of similarity criteria for physical model tests in consideration of temperature fields, and 2) study of the gradual transition process between water inrush and mud inrush.

Key words: water inrush disaster, scaled physical model test, similarity theory of fluid-solid coupling, similar material, disaster-inducing factors, disaster-causing mechanism
