长江科学院院报 ›› 2018, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (10): 148-152.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20170455

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


袁艳玲1a,1b, 彭松涛2, 陈建康1a,1b, 高策3, 裴亮1a,1b   

  1. 1.四川大学 a.水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室;
    b.水利水电学院,成都 610065;
    2.中国华电集团公司西藏能源有限公司 大古水电分公司,西藏 桑日 856200;
    3.中国长江三峡集团 枢纽运行管理局,湖北 宜昌 443131
  • 收稿日期:2017-04-24 出版日期:2018-10-01 发布日期:2018-10-01
  • 作者简介:袁艳玲(1992-),女,湖北巴东人,硕士研究生,研究方向为水工结构工程及基础工程。E-mail:18215627895@163.com

Cracking Risk Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam inConstruction Period Based on Temperature Control Simulation

YUAN Yan-ling1,2, PENG Song-tao3, CHEN Jian-kang1,2, GAO Ce4, PEI Liang1,2   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065,China; 2.College of Water Resource & Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;
    3.Dagu Hydropower Branch of China Huadian Corporation Tibet Energy Co., Ltd., Sangri 856200,China;
    4.Operation Management Bureau of China Three Gorges Corporation,Yichang 443131,China
  • Received:2017-04-24 Published:2018-10-01 Online:2018-10-01

摘要: 温度荷载是使大体积混凝土在施工期间产生裂缝的主要因素。为对大体积混凝土开展施工期开裂风险分析,以某碾压混凝土(RCC)重力坝为例,在对其温控措施进行仿真分析的基础上,利用结构的可靠度理论,将大体积混凝土开裂的影响因素作为变量,运用响应面法构建极限状态功能函数,利用Monte-Carlo法得到该重力坝施工期的开裂风险和可靠度。分析成果表明:推荐温控措施合理;开裂风险概率和可靠度指标计算成果能够反映内部特征点的开裂风险高于外部、一期冷却末期出现最大开裂风险的特点,该方法可用于施工期的混凝土开裂风险评价。

关键词: RCC重力坝, 温控仿真, 抗裂安全性, 响应面法, 开裂风险, 可靠度

Abstract: Temperature load is the main cause of cracks in mass concrete in construction period. The cracking risk probability and reliability of a roller compacted concrete (RCC) gravity dam are calculated by Monte-Carlo method with factors affecting the cracks in mass concrete as random variables in establishing the limit state function by response surface method based on simulation of temperature control measures. Results demonstrate that the recommended temperature control measures are reasonable. Calculation results of cracking risk probability and reliability reflect that the cracking risks of feature points inside the RCC dam are higher than those exterior to the dam, and the maximum cracking risk appears in the end of the first-phase cooling stage.

Key words: RCC gravity dam, temperature control simulation, anti-cracking safety, response surface method, cracking risk, reliability
