长江科学院院报 ›› 2017, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (9): 150-153.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20160527

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高姗姗, 周新志, 雷印杰   

  1. 四川大学 电子信息学院,成都 610065
  • 收稿日期:2016-05-26 出版日期:2017-09-01 发布日期:2017-09-01
  • 作者简介:高姗姗(1991-),女,四川成都人,硕士研究生,主要从事智能控制方向的研究,(电话)13981778124(电子信箱)Gaoshanshanchn@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Design and Construction of Monitoring and Early Warning Systemfor Mountain Flood in Leshan City

GAO Shan-shan,ZHOU Xin-zhi,LEI Yin-jie   

  1. College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
  • Received:2016-05-26 Published:2017-09-01 Online:2017-09-01

摘要: 随着山洪灾害防治县级非工程措施建设规模的扩大,提高省、市、县三级应急联动能力,提升防灾科学管理水平成为重要课题。针对乐山市山洪监测预警系统的建设提出了系统总体设计方案,展示了四级山洪灾害数据共享汇集关系并分析各模块的工作机制;同时,对数据信息采集共享子系统、信息查询及监测子系统、预警响应跟踪子系统、移动工作子系统的数据传输、查询、监控预警等功能以及具体实现进行了重点阐述。所述预警系统体系完整,为市级山洪预警系统的建设提供了借鉴和参考。

关键词: 乐山市, 山洪灾害, 预警系统, 信息监测, 数据共享

Abstract: As non-engineering measures for mountain flood prevention in county scale expand, important issues have raised concerning strengthening the collaboration among prevention projects, improving the emergency response coordination among provincial, municipal, and county level, and enhancing the disaster prevention and management ability. In this article, the overall design scheme of monitoring and early-warning system for mountain flood disasters in Leshan city is presented. The data sharing and collection among four levels are described, and the functions of system modules are expounded. The system involves data sharing and information acquisition subsystem, information query subsystem, monitoring and warning response tracking subsystem, and subsystem of mobile data transmission, query, monitoring and early warning. The complete system could offer reference for the construction of municipal-level flood warning system.

Key words: Leshan city, mountain flood disaster, early warning system, information monitoring, data-sharing
