长江科学院院报 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9): 97-104.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20200581

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


倪静, 贺青青, 李杉杉, 马蕾, 张淑玲   

  1. 上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院,上海 200093
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-17 修回日期:2020-09-09 出版日期:2021-09-01 发布日期:2021-09-01
  • 作者简介:倪 静(1983-),女,上海人,副教授,博士,主要从事土动力学及软土地基加固研究。E-mail:wendy_1943@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Correlation Between Macroscopic Mechanical Strength and Microstructure of Fly Ash Cement Soil under Combined Effect of Water Pollution and Freeze-Thaw Cycles

NI Jing, HE Qing-qing, LI Shan-shan, MA Lei, ZHANG Shu-ling   

  1. School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • Received:2020-06-17 Revised:2020-09-09 Published:2021-09-01 Online:2021-09-01

摘要: 针对粉煤灰水泥土在水质污染及冻害作用下的耐久性问题,开展了固化土宏微观物理力学特性的相关性研究。宏观力学强度通过无侧限抗压强度试验获得,分析了水质污染类别、冻融循环次数、固化剂配比、龄期等因素对固化土强度的影响;微观结构通过渗透试验、扫描电镜试验(SEM)及X射线衍射试验(XRD)获得,分析了固化土的孔隙率及矿物成分等微观结构特性;通过结合宏微观试验结果,分析了固化土宏观力学强度及微观结构之间的相关性。研究结果表明:冻害会降低固化土的抗压强度,削弱延长龄期对提高强度的有利影响;水质污染也会降低土的抗压强度,工业废水比生活污水影响更甚;污水环境下,化学侵蚀引起的高强度胶结物改变等原因降低了固化土中粘结物的粘结性能,由此引起的固化土微观结构改变导致了宏观强度的降低;此外,随着粉煤灰含量的增加,固化土的孔隙率小幅减小,渗透性却大幅提高,特别是在污水环境下,导致了固化土抗冻性能的减弱。

关键词: 粉煤灰水泥土, 水质污染, 冻融循环, 无侧限抗压强度, 微观结构

Abstract: The correlation between macroscopic mechanical strength and microstructure of fly ash cement soil subjected to water pollution and frost attack was investigated. The macroscopic mechanical strength was obtained from unconfined compressive strength tests through which the effects of water pollution type,number of freeze-thaw cycles,ratio of curing agent,and curing age were analyzed;the microstructure of the stabilized soil such as porosity and mineral composition was examined by permeability test,microscopic scanning electron microscopy(SEM) test and X-ray diffraction(XRD) test. Research results indicated that frost attack reduced the compressive strength of the stabilized soil and undermined the beneficial effect of extending curing age. Water pollution also resulted in a decreased compressive strength,and in particular,industrial wastewater had a stronger effect than sanitary water. In the polluted water environment,the high strength cementation transferred to the low strength cementation,while non-gelling crystals were produced,reducing the bonding performance of the cementitious material in the stabilized soil. As a result,the change in the microstructure impaired the macroscopic mechanical strength of the stabilized soil. In addition,with the increase of fly ash content,the porosity of the stabilized soil declined slightly while the permeability surged remarkably,which weakened the resistance to frost attack,especially in polluted water environment.

Key words: fly ash cement soil, water pollution, freeze-thaw cycles, unconfined compressive strength, microstructure
