长江科学院院报 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 17-20.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2013.04.004

• 水资源与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江苏省水文水资源勘测局,南京 210029
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-30 修回日期:2013-04-09 出版日期:2013-04-07 发布日期:2013-04-07
  • 作者简介:万晓凌(1970-),男,江苏兴化人,高级工程师,主要从事水文水资源及水文信息化分析研究工作,(电话)13814058381(电子信箱)185688355@qq.com。

Method of Calculating Water Diversion Amount of Tidal Sluice

WAN Xiao-ling, LU Xiao-ming, ZHOU Yi, GE Li-bin, ZHONG Zhao-lin   

  1. Hydrology and Water Resources Investigation Bureau, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210029, China
  • Received:2012-03-30 Revised:2013-04-09 Published:2013-04-07 Online:2013-04-07


感潮水闸引水量计算基本采用一潮推流法,但一潮推流法工作量很大,并不适合所有情形的水闸, 特别是对于闸门变动较大的水闸, 每年需重新校测,测验任务繁重,目前还没有较好的解决方法。以定波闸为例,研究了引水量计算的一种新方法,以水力学公式为基础,分析水位差流量关系,结果表明精度完全达到规范要求。为沿江水闸的引水量统计提供了一个比较精确的简易可行的方法,为精确掌握沿江引水量,实行最严格水资源管理制度提供基础数据。

关键词: 感潮, 引水量, 流量, 方法, 研究


The method of discharge computation for a single tide is generally adopted in the calculation of water diversion amount for tidal sluice. But the method requires long time and large work load. Especially for sluices with changing gates, the measwrement and calibration are burdensome. With Dingbo sluice in Wuxi City as a research case, the authors proposed a novel method of calculating the water diversion amount which is based on hydraulic formula to analyze the waterhead-flow relation. Result shows that the calculation accuracy meets the specification requirements. The method is convenient, feasible, and accurate for the statistics of water diversion along the river, and could provide data for the most stringent water resource management regime.

Key words: tidal , water diversion amount , flow , method , research
