长江科学院院报 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 29-32.

• 工程安全与灾害防治 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.重庆交通大学河海学院,重庆400074;
  • 收稿日期:2012-11-30 修回日期:2014-01-06 出版日期:2014-01-01 发布日期:2014-01-01
  • 作者简介:刘丹(1984-),女,湖北孝感人,助教,硕士,主要从事岩土及地质灾害防治有关研究工作,(电话)15883846592(电子信箱)cqjtdxhjw@126.com。
  • 基金资助:

Research on the Offset Ratio of Rockfall Movement by Model Tests

LIU Dan1,2,YE Si-qiao1,3,HUANG Ji-wei4,YANG Wei5   

  1. 1.School of River & Ocean Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China;
    2.Department of Civil Engineering,Sichuan College of Architectural Technology,Deyang 618000,China;
    3.Postdoctoral Workstation in the Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau of Chongqing,Chongqing 401121,China;
    4.Department of Engineering Management,Sichuan College of Architectural Technology,Deyang 618000,China;
    5. Jiangsu Transportation Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211112,China
  • Received:2012-11-30 Revised:2014-01-06 Published:2014-01-01 Online:2014-01-01

摘要: 为研究落石偏移比特征及影响因素,通过落石模型试验,分析下落高度、坡形、坡表铺装、质量等因素对落石偏移比的影响规律。结果表明:除落石从坡顶(0 cm)自由下落,偏移比随机性较强,无明显规律外,不同下落高度(不同入射速度),落石偏移比随入射速度的增加而增大;台阶状坡形上落石偏移比较上陡、下缓坡形上大;坡面越坚硬,偏移比越大;落石质量越小,偏移比越大;就偏移比值来说,均在0.5范围内。在实际工程中,较大的入射速度、台阶状坡形、较小的落石质量、坚硬的坡表都会带来较大的偏移比,以及较大的随机性。因此在被动防治中应考虑更大的横向威胁范围,为落石防护布设提供参考。

关键词: 落石, 偏移比, 模型试验, 敏感因素

Abstract: The characteristics and influencing factors of the offset ratio of rockfall movement were researched by model tests. Factors including falling height,slope type,slope cover,and rockfall mass influencing on the offset ratio were analyzed. The results indicate that the offset ratio of rockfalls from different heights (which means different velocities) increases with the increase of velocity;while the offset ratio of rockfalls from the top of the slope (0cm) is strongly random and has no regularity. The offset ratio on stepped slope is larger than that on steep-slow slope. When the slope cover is harder,the offset ratio is larger;and when the mass of rockfalls is smaller,the offset ratio is larger. The value of offset ratio is within the range of 0.5. In practical engineering,large velocity,stepped slope,small rock mass,and hard slope cover will result in big offset ratio and randomness. Therefore,in passive prevention,larger range of lateral threat should be considered. The research provides reference for rockfall protection.

Key words: rockfalls, offset ratio, model test, sensitive factors
