长江科学院院报 ›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (9): 40-43.

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


李晓鄂 a,b,c , 李 珍 a,b,c   

  1. 长江科学院 a. 材料与结构所 ;b. 水利部水工程安全与病害防治工程技术研究中心; c. 国家大坝安全工程技术研究中心 ,武汉 430010
  • 出版日期:2011-09-01 发布日期:2011-09-01

Durability of Cement Grouting Curtain at Danjiangkou Dam

LI Xiao-e , LI Zhen   

  1. Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute ,Wuhan 430010, China
  • Published:2011-09-01 Online:2011-09-01

摘要: 为了解丹江口大坝初期工程河床坝段防渗帷幕的耐久性,对后期补强灌浆提出建议,采用理化分析及渗透试验等方法对帷幕中的水泥结石进行了相关试验研究。结果表明:多数检查孔芯样中的水泥结石水化产物结构较致密,矿物成分和化学成分未见明显异常;胶结较好的水泥结石芯样抗渗性能较好,渗漏溶蚀出的 CaO 少,且随着渗透时间延长, CaO 的溶蚀速率减缓;对于水泥结石致密的帷幕,估算的防渗有效年限为 100 年以上,说明水泥灌浆帷幕抗溶蚀耐久性较好;个别坝段的水泥结石存在较明显的 CaO 溶出现象,需进行补强灌浆处理。

关键词: 丹江口大坝 , 水泥灌浆帷幕 , 耐久性

Abstract: To study the durability of impermeable curtain and to propose suggestions for the strengthening grouting of the curtain in the later stage, physical-chemical analysis and permeability test are performed on the cement stone of the impermeable curtain which is constructed at the riverbed section of Danjiangkou dam in the early stage. The structures of hydration products of cement stone from core samples in most investigated holes are manifested to be compact with no abnormal mineral or chemical compositions. These core samples with compact structure exhibit good impermeability with little CaO corroded by percolating water. The corrosion speed of CaO reduced with the permeation time extended. The effective age of the curtains with dense cement stones is estimated to exceed 100 years, which indicates that the grouted cement curtain has good durability and corrosion resistance. Strengthening grouting is required at dam sections where CaO is visibly corroded.

Key words: Danjiangkou Dam , grouted cement curtain  , durability
