长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 44-48.

• 水力学 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈 端1,2 ,王忠亮3, 陈秀玲4   

  1. 1. 长江科学院 水力学研究所 , 武汉 430010 ; 2. 中国科学院 研究生院 , 北京 100085 ; 3. 中国水利投资集团公司 建设管理部 , 北京 100053 ; 4. 中国华水水电开发总公司 项目管理部 , 北京 100054
  • 出版日期:2010-05-01 发布日期:2010-05-01

Model Research on Lifting Force with Eccentrically-hinged Radial Gate

CHEN Duan1,2 , WANG Zhong-liang3 , CHEN Xiu-ling4   

  1. 1.Hydraulic Department, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010,China ; 2.Graduated school, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100085,China ; 3.Investment & Development Department, China Water Investment Group Corporation,Beijing ; 4.Program Management Department ,China Huashui Hydropower Development Corporation, Beijing
  • Published:2010-05-01 Online:2010-05-01

摘要: 偏心铰式弧形闸门在启闭过程中其受力状态与常规闸门有所不同,受力条件较为复杂,准确计算闸门启闭力难度较大。设计人员在确定该类闸门的启闭机容量时尚无统一的规范可循。以水布垭放空洞工作闸门为研究实例,通过水工模型全程模拟了偏心铰闸门启闭的运行状况,利用脉动压力和拉压传感器测量无摩擦情况下的闸门启闭力,在此基础上,分析计算了原型闸门运行时所受止水摩擦力后的闸门启闭力,重点研究了偏心铰闸门运行时启闭力的变化特征,并将试验和计算成果绘制成启闭力曲线,为设计人员选取启闭机容量提供了依据。原型闸门在投入运行后经过了超高设计水头的考验,各项指标均满足要求,闸门运行正常。

关键词: 偏心铰式弧形闸门, 启闭力, 模型试验

Abstract: The stress of eccentrically-hinged radial gate is different from the common one when it is in the process of lift. Owing to the complicated stress condition, it is difficult to calculate the lifting force. This paper took Shuibuya Project as a study case, analyzed the lifting force of eccentrically-hinged radial gate. Through hydraulic model test, the lifting force without friction was measured at first by fluctuation pressure meters and force sensors, then the real lifting force in consideration of water-seal friction was calculated. And the result of lifting force was also drawn in a graph as a reference for designer to select the hydraulic hoisting capacity in prototype. The eccentrically-hinged radial gate in prototype has been operated for years and examined by the design water head. All indices of hydraulic hoister can meet the requirements of gate operation.

Key words: eccentrically-hinged radial gate , lifting force , model test
