长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 70-73.

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  1. 中国地质大学 地球物理与空间信息学院,武汉 430074
  • 出版日期:2010-04-01 发布日期:2010-04-01

Study on Classification of Rock-Soil Bank Slope and Its Spatial Distribution in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on Remote Sensing

GUO Pei-hong, NIU Rui-qing   

  1. Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074,China
  • Published:2010-04-01 Online:2010-04-01

摘要: 三峡水库175 m蓄水后,库区水位在30 m范围内周期性波动,将引起地下水位变化和库岸再造,对土质岸坡和岩质岸坡产生不利影响。确定岸坡类型及其空间分布是评价岩土体稳定性的重要内容,采用传统方式在库区 5 311 km 的大范围内开展调查工作需要耗费大量的人力和财力。借助遥感技术,利用泥沙指数 SI 提取试验区相对泥沙浓度,并对泥沙浓度进行等级划分;通过不同等级的泥沙浓度划分,可大范围快速圈定土质岸坡和岩质岸坡的空间分布。经在三峡库区长江干流32个区段的野外实地验证,该方法划分岸坡类型的精度达 84.375%。

关键词: 三峡库区, 泥沙浓度, 岸坡类型, 遥感

Abstract: Since the Three Gorges Reservoir has been operated for water storage to elevation 175 m, the water levels in the reservoir area are fluctuating cyclically at the range of 30 m in the bank slope, which will lead to the changes in groundwater and reservoir banks rebuilding. And changes in groundwater and reservoir water may affect bank slope surface and rock mediums differently.It is of great significance for the disaster prevention and mitigation in the Three Gorges Reservoir area that the slope types and spatial distribution are determined. Surveying the reservoir banks in the Three Gorges Reservoir about 5311km using traditional methods, we should require a lot of human and financial resources. In this paper, with remote sensing technology, we extracted the relative sediment concentrations at the experimental zone by sediment index(SI), and graded the sediment concentration, then the spatial distributions of soil and rock bank slopes were differentiated. Comparing with the measured data, we can get a better result by the method that the bank slopes are classified by sediment concentration indirectly. The accuracy is 84.375%. This paper offers a largescale, fast, effective and new method for division of bank types.

Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir, sediment concentration, slope type, remote sensing
