长江科学院院报 ›› 2015, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 35-39.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2015.04.007

• 水力学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.西京学院 工程技术系,西安 710048;
    2.宣城市水务局 工程管理处,安徽 宣城 242000;
    3.西安理工大学 水利水电学院,西安 710048
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-11 修回日期:2013-12-12 出版日期:2015-04-01 发布日期:2015-04-01
  • 作者简介:马斌(1955-),男,陕西西安人,教授,从事工程管理与工程造价、工程施工技术、建设工程管理与管理信息系统方面的研究,(电话)13088977659(电子信箱)792842471@qq.com。

Model Test to Select Optimal Shape of Diversion Tunnel Outlet

MA Bin1, LI Li2, ZHANG Zong-xiao3   

  1. 1.Engineering Technology Department, University of Xijing, Xi’an 710048, China;
    2. Engineering Management Department, Water Affairs Bureau of Xuancheng City, Xuancheng 242000, China;
    3.Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-electric Engineering, Xi’an Univeristy of Technology,Xi’an 710048, China
  • Received:2013-11-11 Revised:2013-12-12 Published:2015-04-01 Online:2015-04-01

摘要: 通过水工模型试验,测定导流洞出口在扩散情况和消力池方案时在不同工况下对下游河床冲淤的情况(冲刷范围及冲坑深度),及对河道两岸岸坡的影响;根据试验分析结果,提出了出口扩散段体型优化建议,并把优化过的模型再进行试验比选出最优的。通过模型试验并结合工程实际情况选择最优方案,对原设计方案有重要的指导和验证意义。为优化导流洞出口方案,对导流洞原出口方案进行了5种工况的水工模型试验,得出冲刷结果,并进行分析。提出改进方案1,对方案1进行同样的试验,得出冲刷结果进行分析。发现左岸冲刷严重,则在方案1的基础上改进提出方案2,再对方案2进行同样试验,得出冲刷结果。对3个方案进行比选发现方案2是最佳设计方案。

关键词: 模型试验, 下游河床冲刷, 出口扩散段, 导流洞, 试验方案比选, 最深冲点

Abstract: To select an optimum shape of the diversion tunnel outlet for Sanhekou hydropower project, hydraulic model test was conducted to research the influence of outlet shape on the downstream riverbed scouring (range and depth) and bank slope. The test was designed in the presence of diffusion and stilling basin respectively under five working conditions. According to the test results and engineering practice, suggestions to optimize the outlet shape were put forward and further tested. Finally the optimum scheme was determined.

Key words: model test, downstream riverbed scour, expansion segment of outlet, diversion tunnel, scheme comparison and selection, deepest impact point
