长江科学院院报 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 131-136.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20210496

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


姚泽良1,2, 崔婷婷1,2, 党发宁1,2, 闻硕1,2, 令狐恬晶1,2, 祁亚伦1,2   

  1. 1.西安理工大学 土木建筑工程学院,西安 710048;
    2.西安理工大学 西北干旱地区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-20 修回日期:2021-07-21 出版日期:2022-09-01 发布日期:2022-09-01
  • 作者简介:姚泽良(1976-),女,湖南益阳人,副教授,博士,研究方向为土木工程。E-mail:yaozeliang@xaut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Plastic Damage Performance of Recycled Concrete Based on ABAQUSY

AO Ze-liang1,2, CUI Ting-ting1,2, DANG Fa-ning1,2, WEN Shuo1,2, LINGHU Tian-jing1,2, QI Ya-lun1,2   

  1. 1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Xi’an University of Technology,Xi’an 710048,China;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region,Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048,China
  • Received:2021-05-20 Revised:2021-07-21 Published:2022-09-01 Online:2022-09-01

摘要: 为了探究再生混凝土塑性损伤性能,结合Sidoroff能量等价原理,研究了CDP模型的塑性损伤因子、非弹性应变、开裂应变等关键参数,构建了基于随机多边形骨料、老砂浆、新砂浆、骨料-老砂浆界面、老-新砂浆界面、骨料-新砂浆界面的再生混凝土细观结构模型,研究了轴向压位移和拉位移作用下再生混凝土的损伤开展过程、各向应力水平、破坏形态、损伤值等关键力学性能,并将结果与试验结果进行了对比分析。研究表明:基于能量等价原理的损伤因子适用于ABAQUS建模,该方法简洁、收敛性好。再生混凝土受压损伤破坏云图呈“V”形,受拉损伤破坏云图呈“一”形,其受拉损伤和受压损伤均已达到0.956,模拟计算结果与试验结果吻合较好,表明基于随机多边形骨料的再生混凝土细观模型真实,计算方法合理。

关键词: 再生混凝土, 塑性损伤, 六相材料, 多边形随机骨料, 细观性能

Abstract: In line with the principle of Sidoroff energy equivalence,the key parameters of CDP model such as plastic damage factor,inelastic strain,and cracking strain were studied. A meso-structure model of recycled concrete was designed based on random polygonal aggregate,old mortar,new mortar,aggregate-old mortar interface,old-new mortar interface and aggregate-new mortar interface. Some crucial compression and tension properties of recycled concrete were studied,including damage development process,stress level in all directions,failure forms,and damage values. The calculation results were compared and analyzed with test results. Research shows that the damage factors based on the principle of energy equivalence is suitable for ABAQUS modeling,and this modeling method is concise and of good convergence. The cloud diagram of compression damage of recycled concrete displays V-shape,while tension damage I-shape,and the tensile and compression damage values both reached 0.956. The simulation calculation results are in good agreement with the test results,indicating that the mesoscopic model of recycled concrete based on random polygonal aggregates is rational.

Key words: recycled concrete, plastic damage, six-phase material, polygonal random aggregate, mesoscopic properties
