长江科学院院报 ›› 2016, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (12): 78-85.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20160400

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 长江科学院 a.水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室;b.国家大坝安全工程技术研究中心,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2016-04-26 出版日期:2016-12-20 发布日期:2016-12-20
  • 作者简介:张家发(1960-),男,安徽安庆人,教授级高级工程师,硕士,主要从事岩土工程和水工渗流研究,(电话)027-82820029(电子信箱)zhangjf@mail.crsri.cn。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目 (51279016,41402213);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费项目(CKSF2016021/YT)

Research Advances in the Clogging of Infiltration Facilities of Sponge City and Discussions on Improving Its Long-term Performance

ZHANG Jia-fa1,2, WU Qing-hua1,2, ZHU Guo-sheng1,2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of Ministry of Water Resources, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
    2.National Research Center on Dam Safety Technology, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
  • Received:2016-04-26 Published:2016-12-20 Online:2016-12-20

摘要: 针对海绵城市渗井、渗透管和渗透塘等典型入渗设施,阐述了淤堵机理和性能改进研究的意义。将淤堵影响因素分为淤堵物源性质、水动力条件和滤层特性3个方面,分别围绕这3个方面概述了淤堵研究进展。将我国海绵城市入渗设施淤堵问题研究的不足和需要加强研究的方面归纳为:淤堵物源特征仍然不够明确,水流条件研究不够全面,间歇运行的影响研究不够,实际组合滤层结构缺乏研究,时间效应研究不够,主要作用机制认识存在分歧,结构形式和运行维护方案研究不够,缺乏原型试验和实际工程研究。针对我国海绵城市建设,提出急需针对典型城市区域监测实际雨洪,尤其是久未下雨后暴雨中的第1波雨洪,研究入渗设施的淤堵物源性质。基于类似问题的研究工作,分析了入渗设施滤层性能改进的途径,认为可更换滤层方案可以突破入渗设施淤堵问题,促进入渗设施的更广泛运用,从而保障海绵城市建设的长期效果。

关键词: 海绵城市, 淤堵, 悬浮物, 水动力条件, 土工合成材料, 砂石滤层, 可更换滤层

Abstract: The significance of researches on the clogging mechanism and performance improvement was expounded for typical infiltration facilities of sponge city, such as well, tube, and pond. Factors of clogging were classified as three kinds: clogging material properties, hydrodynamic conditions and filter properties. In this article, the advances of research on clogging mechanism were summarized and discussed in terms of these three kinds of factors. The drawbacks which need to be overcome by further studies were summarized: the characteristics of clogging material is unclear, the simulation of hydrodynamic condition is non-holistic, studies on real filter structures, intermittent operation and time effects are inadequate, understandings of the clogging mechanism are inconsistent, attention on new filter structures and filter maintenance is insufficient, and prototype and in situ studies are in lack. According to the status of sponge city construction in China, it is urgent to monitor the storm water for typical urban areas, especially the first storm water after a long dry period. On the basis of research on similar problems, the approaches of improving the performance of infiltration facilities were analyzed. It was proposed that replaceable filters would be a practical solution to break through clogging problem and to promote the application of infiltration facilities and would guarantee the long-term efficiency of sponge city construction.

Key words: sponge city, clogging, suspended substance, hydrodynamic conditions, geotextile, sand and gravel filter, replaceable filter
