长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 76-80.

• 工程抗震研讨会专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


虞一鸣 , 何蕴龙 , 陈海霞   

  1. 武汉大学 水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉 430072
  • 出版日期:2010-05-01 发布日期:2010-05-01

Analysis on Seismic Response of Tacheng Core wall Rock fill Dam

YU Yi-ming, HE Yun-long, CHEN Hai-xia   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072 , China
  • Published:2010-05-01 Online:2010-05-01

摘要: 塔城砾石土心墙堆石坝最大坝高 315 m ,地震动作用下,坝身特别是坝体上部容易出现严重裂缝或者坝坡失稳等问题。为了考察高土石坝经历高震级地震时的抗震性能,坝体及覆盖层材料采用 Hardin 非线性动力模型,在三维非线性静力分析基础上,用时程法对大坝进行地震动力分析,以揭示在 Taft 三向地震波的作用过程中坝体中加速度、动位移、动应力的分布及其地震永久变形和液化情况。坝体非线性仿真结果表明,在设防烈度地震作用下,在坝体最大断面上,坝顶动力放大系数为 2.5 左右, 1/2 坝高小范围内有拉应力出现,坝体沉陷及向下游水平位移较大,坝踵坝趾局部有一定的液化可能。

关键词: 高土石坝 , Taft 地震波, 动力本构 , 动力分析

Abstract: It is likely to emerge serious problems in the Tacheng Core-wall Rock-fill Dam, whose maximum height is up to 315 m, such as cracks, especially generating at the top of it, and instability of dam slope, when subjected to earthquake. The material of dam body and covering layers were simulated by the Hardin nonlinear dynamic constitutive model. On the basis of nonlinear static analysis, the time-history analysis was carried out to explore the earthquake-resistant characteristics of the high dam. The distribution of acceleration, dynamic displacement and stress in the dam, permanent displacement, and liquefaction were studied in detail. The results obtained from the three-dimensional nonlinear FEM indicate that the dynamical magnification factor is about  2.5  , a tensile stress zone occurs in the region of one half of the dam, dam body evidenttly settles and larger displacement toward downstream also appears, and soil may be liquefied at the foot of the dam partially.

Key words:  high rockfill dam , Taft earthquake wave , dynamic constitutive model , seismic analysis
