长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 17-21.

• 空间信息技术应用专辑 • 上一篇    下一篇


 汪朝辉, 陈蓓青, 程学军, 梁东业   

  • 出版日期:2010-01-01 发布日期:2010-01-01

Impact of Land Use Change on Non-point Source Pollution Load-in Changyang County

 WANG  Chao-Hui, CHEN  Bei-Qing, CHENG  Xue-Jun, LIANG  Dong-Ye   

  • Published:2010-01-01 Online:2010-01-01

摘要: 利用输出系统模型,结合RS和GIS技术,对长阳县非点源污染负荷进行空间分布模拟和总负荷的估算。结果表明:①长阳县非点源污染负荷TN(总氮),TP(总磷)从2000年到2006年呈逐步上升趋势,这种变化趋势与土地开发利用关系密切:在空间分布上,TN,TP由东向西纵深发展,污染负荷空间分布更加广泛;非点源污染负荷总量增加显著,2000年到2006年TN负荷增加幅度达到55.56%,TP负荷增加幅度为42.51%。②不同土地利用类型对非点源污染负荷总量的贡献率存在差异,对TN贡献率较大的土地利用类型是耕地、林地、草地;对TP贡献率较大的依次是林地、耕地、草地和建设用地。③不同土地利用类型对非点源污染负荷的贡献率也在发生变化,从2000年到2006年,耕地对TN的贡献率的变化最突出,上升了19%,草地贡献率下降了11%;草地对TP的贡献率变化最大,下降了18%,其次是建设用地,贡献率上升了5%左右。

Abstract: Utilizing export coefficient model and adopting RS and GIS techniques the authors estimated the non point source pollution load of Changyang County and simulated its spatial distribution. The results indicated as follows: The total nitrogen load caused by land use has increased 55.56%, and the total phosphorus load has increased 42.51% from year 2000 to 2006. The non point pollution has aggravated year by year. As far as spatial distribution, the non point pollution expanded from east of Changyang County to the west. The trend of deterioration was caused by the high strength land use exploitation and city-town outspread. Different land uses had various contributions to the total non point source pollution load. The gradation of contribution ratio to TN was from farmland to forest and grassland, and that to TP was from forest and farmland to grassland and land use for urban construction. The contribution ratio to the total non point source pollution load also has changed from 2000 to 2006. In terms of TN, farmland’s contribution ratio increased by 19%, and that of grassland decreased by 11%. However for TP, grassland’s contribution ratio drop 18%, and that of urban and residential area raised 5%.