
• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


彭尚仕, 石妍, 杨华全   

  1. 长江科学院 水利部水工程安全与病害防治工程技术研究中心,武汉   430010
  • 收稿日期:2012-05-10 修回日期:2012-08-24 出版日期:2013-03-01 发布日期:2013-03-01
  • 作者简介:彭尚仕(1969-),男,湖南岳阳人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事水工建筑材料方面的研究及现场检测
  • 基金资助:


In-situ Shear Test on the Bond Between Concrete Layers of Xiluodu Dam Concrete

PENG Shang-shi, SHI Yan, YANG Hua-quan   

  1. Research Center of Water Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention of Ministry of Water Resources, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan   430010, China
  • Received:2012-05-10 Revised:2012-08-24 Published:2013-03-01 Online:2013-03-01


采用溪洛渡大坝实际原材料及配合比,在工程现场进行常态混凝土层间结合面的原位抗剪试验。结果表明:混凝土各层间结合工况的 f' 在1.44~0.97之间,c' 在3.00~1.85 MPa之间,不含层面连续浇筑的本体混凝土 f' 为1.80,c' 为3.145 MPa;最大法向应力σ为7.12MPa时,本体混凝土极限抗剪强度 τ 极限为15.96 MPa,各层间结合工况的 τ 极限在9.67~12.11 MPa之间;除混凝土本体外,层间铺砂浆的 τ 极限最高;层面露粗砂且铺砂浆的层面处理方式效果最佳,上层混凝土采用富浆配合比的层间结合效果也较好;层间结合试件的剪切破坏都发生在层面,剪切面普遍平坦,但本体试件剪切破坏面起伏大,大部分特大石被剪断,擦痕分散不匀。试验成果可为溪洛渡水电站大坝混凝土工程质量控制提供依据。

关键词: 溪洛渡水电站, 混凝土, 原位抗剪试验, 抗剪特性参数, 抗剪强度


To provide basis for the concrete quality control for Xiluodu dam, we carried out in-situ shear test on normal concrete layers which are poured from the raw material with mix proportion identical to the actual concrete of Xiluodu dam. Results showed that friction factor f'  and  cohesion c'  of the bond surface between concrete layers were respectively between 1.44-0.97MPa and 3.00-1.85MPa, while  f'  and c'  of concrete itself were 1.80MPa and 3.145MPa respectively. When the maximum normal stress σmax  was 7.12MPa, the ultimate shear strength  τmax  of concrete itself was 15.96MPa, and  τmax  of the bond surface between concrete layers was between 9.67-12.11 MPa. Except from the concrete itself, concrete layers connected with paved mortar has the highest ultimate shear strength. The treatment of  exposing coarse sand on the old concrete surface then paving mortar worked best, and the effect of using rich mortar for the upper concrete was favorable. Shear failure of the specimens with concrete layers occurred on the bond surface, and the shearing plane was generally flat. But the concrete itself had uneven failure surface and most of the largest aggregates were sheared off.  

Key words: Xiluodu hydropower station, concrete, in-situ shear test, shear parameters, shear strength
