长江科学院院报 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 142-148.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.201914462021

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


赖韩, 王瑞骏, 李阳, 熊小斌, 张旭, 郁宁宁, 雷妍   

  1. 西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室,西安 710048
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-23 修回日期:2020-01-16 发布日期:
  • 作者简介:赖韩(1995-),男,江西赣州人,硕士,研究方向为水工结构。E-mail:2300183163@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Sensitivity Analysis of VC Value of Cemented Sand, Gravel and Rock Dam Building Materials

LAI Han, WANG Rui-jun, LI Yang, XIONG Xiao-bin, ZHANG Xu, YU Ning-ning, LEI Yan   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
  • Received:2019-11-23 Revised:2020-01-16 Online:

摘要: 胶凝砂砾石(CSGR)的压实质量受VC值和碾压参数控制,而材料配合比参数对VC值有直接影响。通过考虑交互作用的四因素三水平正交试验,采用极差、方差、多元线性回归和残差等统计分析方法对VC值测试结果进行数据处理,研究了CSGR的VC值关于单位用水量(W)、单位水泥用量(C)、单位粉煤灰用量(F)和砂率(S)4个因素的敏感性。结果表明,W、C、F、S及试验误差对VC值的贡献率依次为75.55%、6.73%、17.00%、0.08%和0.64%,砂率对VC值的影响几乎可忽略,施工时应严格控制单位用水量并实时监控VC值,以便及时调整施工措施控制施工质量。基于研究结果,提出了VC值的预测模型,对合理调整配合比参数及控制VC值,进而提高施工质量具有一定指导意义。

关键词: 胶凝砂砾石坝, VC值, 工作性能, 施工质量, 敏感性分析, 预测模型

Abstract: The compaction quality of cemented sand, gravel and rock (CSGR) is controlled by the VC value and the rolling parameters. The mix ratio parameters of raw materials have a direct impact on the VC value. Through orthogonal test (including four factors and three levels) in consideration of interactions, the test results of VC values were processed via statistical methods such as range analysis, variance analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and residual analysis. The sensitivity of VC value of CSGR to four factors, i.e., unit water consumption (W), unit cement consumption (C), unit fly ash consumption (F) and sand ratio (S) was examined. Results demonstrate that the contribution rates of W, C, F, S and test error to VC value were 75.55%, 6.73%, 17.00%, 0.08% and 0.64% respectively. The influence of sand ratio on VC value is almost negligible. Besides, W should be strictly controlled and the VC value should be monitored in real time, so as to adjust construction measures and control construction quality. In line with the research results, a prediction model of VC value is proposed, which is of guiding significance for rationally adjusting the mix ratio parameters to control VC value and improving construction quality.

Key words: cemented sand, gravel and rock dam, VC value, working performance, construction quality, sensitivity analysis, prediction model
