长江科学院院报 ›› 2019, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 143-148.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20171439

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭海鹏, 李刚, 刘杰, 谭航   

  1. 西安理工大学 土木建筑工程学院,西安 710048
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-13 出版日期:2019-07-01 发布日期:2019-07-01
  • 作者简介:郭海鹏(1990-),男,陕西西安人,硕士研究生,主要从事沥青混凝土研究。E-mail:412792002@qq.com

Influence of WG-I Warm Mix Additive on Properties of Hydraulic Asphalt Concrete

GUO Hai-peng, LI Gang, LIU Jie, TAN Hang   

  1. School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China
  • Received:2017-12-13 Published:2019-07-01 Online:2019-07-01

摘要: 通过研究WG-Ⅰ温拌剂对水工沥青以及沥青混凝土性能的影响,得到了温拌剂的应用条件及方式;通过检测不同掺量WG-Ⅰ温拌剂对水工90号沥青的黏度、三大指标(针入度、软化点、延度)、密度的影响,确定采用温拌剂掺量为4%对不同老化次数后的沥青性能进行试验,研究沥青的抗老化性能。采用温差拌合法,制备不同温拌剂掺量的沥青混凝土马歇尔试件进行劈裂性能试验,确定采用2%的温拌剂掺量制备温拌沥青混凝土试件进行弯曲、拉伸、压缩试验,并与常规沥青混凝土进行性能试验对比。研究表明:WG-Ⅰ温拌剂有助于降低沥青的黏度,提升沥青三大指标及高温抗老化能力;温拌沥青混凝土在性能方面表现良好,应变能力有大幅度提高,有利于提升沥青混凝土适应变形及自愈的能力。因此,WG-Ⅰ温拌剂可作为水工沥青混凝土的温拌材料,达到节省工程成本、缩短工期以及保护环境的目的。

关键词: WG-Ⅰ温拌剂, 沥青混凝土, 黏度, 针入度, 软化点, 延度, 劈裂试验, 性能试验

Abstract: The effects of WG-Ⅰ warm mix additive (WMA) on the performance of hydraulic asphalt and asphalt concrete are investigated. First of all, the effects of adding different dosages of WMA on three indicators(needle penetration, softening temperature, and ductility) and viscosity as well as density of No. 90 hydraulic asphalt are inspected, and the influence of WMA as of 4% dosage at different aging times on the performance of asphalt is also examined. Furthermore, Marshall specimens of asphalt concrete mixed with different dosages of WMA are prepared for splitting test to obtain a proper WMA content as 2%. Subsequently, the asphalt concrete specimens with 2% WMA are used for bending test, tensile test, and compression test. Ordinary asphalt concrete specimens are also tested for comparison. Research findings demonstrate that WG-1 WMA is conducive to reducing the viscosity of asphalt, and in the meantime enhancing the aforementioned three indicators. Asphalt concrete mixed with WMA is of good performances with strain capacity improving remarkably, favorable for asphalt’s ability of self-healing and adapting to deformation of asphalt. In conclusion, WG-1 WMA can be used as a warm mix material for hydraulic asphalt concrete in the purpose of saving cost, shortening construction period, and protecting environment.

Key words: WG-Ⅰ warm mix additive, asphalt concrete, viscosity, needle penetration, softening temperature, ductility, splitting test, performance test
