长江科学院院报 ›› 2009, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (12): 71-75.

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


 蒋昱州, 徐卫亚, 朱杰兵, 王瑞红, 杨圣奇   

  • 出版日期:2009-12-01 发布日期:2009-12-01

Rheology Characteristics of Rock with Discontinuously Weak Intercalations

 JIANG  Yu-Zhou, XU  Wei-Ya, ZHU  Jie-Bing, WANG  Rui-Hong, YANG  Sheng-Qi   

  • Published:2009-12-01 Online:2009-12-01

摘要: 岩石流变力学特性是岩石力学研究中的重要课题,与岩石工程长期稳定性有着十分密切的联系。基于大型岩土工程分析软件 FLAC(3D),采用黏弹塑性流变本构模型,模拟了非贯通断续软弱夹层的不同间距、不同长度及倾角等因素条件下岩石的弹塑性变形与流变变形情况。研究分析了各种因素对岩体弹塑性变形与流变变形的影响以及各影响因素之间多重相关性。结果表明:夹层长度、夹层厚度与夹层间距两两之间都有着较强的相关性;岩桥倾角和夹层倾角与其他影响因素的相关性较弱。夹层长度、夹层间距和夹层厚度对岩石弹塑性变形以及流变变形量影响较大,岩桥倾角和夹层倾角对岩石变形影响不显著。

Abstract: On the basis of the visco-elasto-plastic rheological model of rock , the rheological mechanical behaviors of rock mass with discontinuously weak intercalations are simulated by using 3D nonlinear numerical method. The elastic-plastic deformation and creep deformation were analyzed under different conditions. According to the numerical simulation results, the correlations among intercalation distance, intercalation length, intercalation angle and rock deformation are studied. The result shows that influencing factors of rock mass with discontinuously weak intercalations effect each other and there are close multiple correlations among them. Partial correlation coefficients can accurately reflect the interdependence of influencing factors and suit to be used as a dimension for quantitatively describing multiple correlations. The elastic  plastic deformation and creep deformation are close related to intercalation length , intercalation thickness and intercalation distance , and they are insensitive to intercalation inclination and rock bridge inclination.