长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 5-11.

• 健康长江 • 上一篇    下一篇


 方应波, 李长安, 易文芳, 汪 微, 胡建团   

  • 出版日期:2010-03-01 发布日期:2010-03-01

Harmonious Relationship among Man, Water and Land in Water Control

 FANG  Ying-Bo, LI  Chang-An, YI  Wen-Fang, WANG   Wei, HU  Jian-Tuan   

  • Published:2010-03-01 Online:2010-03-01

摘要: 从狭义和广义两个角度对“人-水-地”和谐的治水理念进行了概述;结合江汉平原防洪减灾的实际,分别从我国国情、江河治理的基础、洪水发生的原因 3 个方面阐述了“人--地”和谐是实现科学治水的需要。基于新的治水理念,对“人-水-地”和谐思想在防洪减灾中的应用进行了探讨,提出治水的关键是协调人类活动与洪水储蓄的空间关系,治水的前提是查明流域地质环境与水文演化规律。

Abstract: The flood control concept which is a harmonious relationship among man, water and land was summarized from both a narrow and a broad perspective. In combination with the reality of flood prevention disaster reduction in Jianghan plain, the water control concept of the harmonious relationship among man, water and land was expounded from our national condition, the bases of harnessing rivers and flood occurrence causes. On the basis of the new flood control concept, it was discussed that the concept of the harmonious relationship among man, water and land was applied in flood control and disaster reduction, the key is to coordinate people ' s activities and the flood space, the precondition of flood control is to find out basin ' s geo-environment and hydrological evolution regularity.